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Shikadai first met his grandmother when he was born. He delivered him into the world and ever since he's often heard embarrassing stories about how he wailed whenever he wasn't in Naruto's arms. Shikadai had to defend himself on that end. All he remembered from back then was feeling extremely warm, so when removed from the warmth of course he cried. His mother had quickly recovered and went back on active duty leaving Shikadai to enjoy the bliss that came with having Naruto as a relative. His father was often busy with being the Hokage's right hand but he understood so he never complained. Besides Naruto made everything easy for him to handle.

When he was growing up Naruto would gladly carry him to the park where all his friends would get jealous because his grandmother was such a beauty. Naruto didn't look his age at all and Shikadai was tempted to ask Naruto simply because his father and his grandmother looked to be the same age. He asked his father and he got his answer, the Tailed Beast who he went on to meet when he had caught Kurama roaming around the compound. He was wise, prideful, and a bit of an asshole but he was kind and cared deeply for his grandmother and anyone he deemed family which was the entire Nara clan.

One thing he loved about his grandmother was the fact he was so accepting and could adapt to any situation and there were a lot of those scenarios when it came to him.


Class had just ended and Shikadai packed up slowly to avoid going outside just to walk home alone. His mother was in Suna and his father was currently at the Hokage Summit. He was to be home alone for a few days, he knew how to take care of himself well enough for an eight-year-old. He just didn't want to see all his friends babble to his parents about their day. As soon as he reached the exit he realized it was mostly empty except for a few of his friends who were chatting alongside their parents.

"There you are!" A familiar voice called, Shikadai looked up to see his grandmother there waiting at the gate for him. Naruto smiled brightly waving him over. "I was getting worried about you." Shikadai blushed a bit and ran over to hug his legs. "Easy there I'm just an old man."

'Yeah right' Shikadai thought smiling into Naruto's thighs, the blond was in a large burnt orange sweater with white trims and black leggings. He pulled back to look up at him. "Glad to see you."

"Well, you'll be seeing me more often than you think." Naruto joked lifting him with ease. "How's bout we head home and play some Shogi?"

"I'd love that." As they walked back to his parent's apartment Shikadai rested in the crook of his neck taking in his lavender scent. "Hey Baa-chan?"

"Yes baby," Naruto said weaving through the crowds easily.

"When are Mom and Dad coming home?" He asked as he felt Naruto walk up the stairs and climb into the elevator.

"Depends on how quickly they can rush through their work properly. I know you feel a bit lonely without them but don't worry they'll be home before you know it." Naruto said rubbing circles in his back, Shikadai sighed in relief and allowed himself to be pampered.

For a week it was a routine, Baa-chan dropped him off, gave him awesome lunches, picked him up, tried and failed at helping him do homework, played Shogi with him, and gave him sweets even when he didn't ask for them. He was being spoilt by the best and his friends caught on soon when all he talked about was his Baa-chan.

"Here we go again," Inojin said with a knowing smile when Shikadai opened his lunch.

"What do we have today?" Cho-Cho teased. Shikadai smiled as he brought out three bento boxes as usual.

"Onigiri, Gyudon Beef Bowl and Chicken Katsu." He listed as he opened each of them.

"I swear you've gotten fatter in this last week," Sarada commented from the row below him. "Are you sure it's healthy for you?"

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