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Shikamaru has known Naruto ever since he was born, the blond was a family friend and when his mother Yoshino died when he was 7 Naruto stepped in and raised him. Eventually his father fell in love with the blond and married him when he turned 10. After that sunshine was all Shikamaru had ever known, Naruto made the place that much brighter with just a smile. As he grew up it seemed Naruto looked a day over 23. He knew why, he had the Nine Tails sealed inside him, Kurama's influence in Naruto's body made it so that he was in his prime until the day he fell in battle.

When Shikamaru was just 17 war struck, greedy rogues who wanted the Tailed Beasts that his mother and several others had within came in drones. The war was won but at several prices one being his father who died in an explosion from a Tailed Beast bomb. When they had gotten the news the smile Naruto wore after they won was nowhere to be seen after that day. They went home with heavy hearts and after the village was rebuilt and everything settled again Naruto locked himself away in their home. Shikamaru took care of him, he really tried but Naruto pushed him away at every turn until eventually he grew up.

He married Temari and despite marrying the love of his life all he could feel was pure happiness when Naruto showed up. He was dressed in a beautiful blue pantsuit with his now long hair done in a messy bun complimented with a sweet smile. It wasn't a fake one and that was enough for Shikamaru to cry once he hugged him at the reception. But that smile was only for him, when the day had come to an end and he and Temari were going to retreat to their new home he saw Naruto wandering to the cemetery. He supposed he was still in grief, granted he couldn't blame the blond. Naruto loved his father like he was the only one on the planet to love.

After the wedding Naruto retreated back home and lived in silence. Shikamaru visited him every week, Saturdays in his schedule were reserved for Naruto and Naruto only. Not even Temari would dare to comment when he headed out for the day and came back at midnight. He tried hard to get Naruto to open up and only one piece of information cracked that barrier he put up.

"Temari's pregnant." He told the blond while they were doing dishes and he didn't miss the way how Naruto paused and widened his eyes. He nodded mutely and went back to washing the dishes. "Nothing to say." Naruto turned to him and tilted his head.

"I just wish he was here to see you start your own family." He murmured quietly as his vision blurred with tears. "You'll be a great father." Shikamaru pulled the other in his chest and caressed his blond hair while he listened to the ramblings. "Never forget to teach him Shogi or the meaning of what it means to protect the kings. Don't forget to listen to him when he calls for your help. Never forget what your father told you." Shikamaru teared up as he listened to the small mumblings of his mother.

They pulled back and Naruto cupped his cheek and shook his head at the goatee he had grown as tribute. "You look so much like him, he would've laughed if he saw you."

"Mom, I want you to help Temari bring our baby into this world." Shikamaru said, he had been thinking about it and he and Temari had already discussed it.

"Shikamaru I'm not a medic anymore. Hell I quit being a ninja the day Shikaku died." Naruto said in a broken voice. "There is no space for me in your life anymore."

"Like hell there isn't your my mother."

"Step-mother, Shikamaru. And I don't know if I did a good job or not but you've out grown what I have to offer. I'm nothing more than a shell of my former self." Hearing his mother talk about himself in such a degrading way made his skin crawl.

"I haven't outgrown you!" He yelled draping Naruto up by his pastel sweater. Naruto's eyes widened as he saw Shikamaru break down. "I had a mother when I was younger and she died and you came in for me. You treated me like your own and I was so happy. You comforted me on my first failed mission. You protected me during the war. You laid your life down for my friends. I nearly lost you so many times over the years but you always came back to me. Dad's gone yes but I know he wouldn't want you to waste away in the home alone."

"I want you in my life simply because your still my mother, I still need your advice, your positivity. Coming here every Saturday watching you slowly deteriorate is breaking me apart. Please mom! Come back to me." Shikamaru cried in his chest. "Please come back to me."

Shikamaru didn't know how long he cried but all he knew was that he woke up with a splitting headache, covered in blankets in his childhood room. It was dark outside by the moonlight pouring in his room and he got up to find his mother. Naruto was downstairs looking through the family album, he came downstairs and sat beside him. They both quietly looked over the pictures watching as they aged within the pages. Naruto stopped on the last family picture they had, the one before the war. Naruto caressed it and made up his mind.

"Shikamaru help me." He said quietly to his son. Shikamaru had never felt so happy, he hugged his mother tightly and after that night things looked up for the two.


"Where are you going again?" Sarada asked as she saw Shikadai get up from there booth.

"Why eat all this junk when my grandmother has better things waiting for me. It is a Saturday." He said with a wide smile.

"Sometimes I think Naruto-obaasan looks too young to be your grandmother." Cho-Cho chimed in. "Have you seen his skin, it's flawless." Shikadai shook his head but inside his heart he was proud. When you have Naruto as your grandmother things went your way like he was a walking, breathing good luck charm.

"You guys can come if you want Obaa-san doesn't mind when I bring company." He invited, they didn't waste any time with following him to the clan compound. As they came upon Naruto's house which was the main household their was a litter of foxes. They haven't been out of the summoning realm and they happily bounded about. They naturally flocked to Shikadai seeing as he adored them.

"Hey guys just dropping in for a visit." He cooed as they all fight to get a seat on him. His friends laughed but it came to a stop when the front door slid open and Naruto looked out. He had changed in the last couple years since that night. His hair had gotten longer and he was now a healthy weight again. His blue eyes were still a bit dark with sadness but overall he was still shining.

"Ne ne Shikadai I'm not expecting you until this evening." Naruto chided with a smile. Shikadai ran into his arms and hugged him as tightly as he could whilst he was holding the small kitsunes.

"I know but I wanted your cooking instead of junk food." He whined and lit up when Naruto kissed his forehead.

"Come on in," He said leading him inside. "Same goes for all of you." They happily followed him in the warm abode for some real comfort food. Naruto was happy with his life and even if Shikaku wasn't there physically with him he was most certainly watching over him.

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