Bees and Flowers

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Shikadai looked across his parents who were looking at each other with conflicted expressions. The newly established alpha has just explained the Bees and Flowers as recited by his parents. They did this once again so he understood what they were essentially telling him and it seemed to soak in. But one thing they knew from so far raising Shikadai that he was an observant child, much like his father and grandfather. And without hesitation after drilling it into him twice to avoid this specific request Shikadai asked anyway.

"Can I see it in action?"

Naruto shivered at those determined eyes that now blazed with the authority of an alpha. He looked to Shikamaru, his alpha who was looking back at him with a curious expression. "Well, it's up to your mother really, he's the one who's going to have to open up his legs."

Shikadai immediately pinned his mother with his gaze with made Naruto flustered. "D-Don't look at me like that!" He sputtered as he hugged himself. "We'll show you but please be quick."

"Thanks, Kaa-chan," Shikadai grinned as they all headed upstairs and to their marital bed. Shikamaru looked at his beautiful wife drowned in a large pastel pink sweatshirt and white shorts and began slipping the shorts and panties off. He left the sweatshirt on as it still covered the lower half for now. Shikamaru sat at the end of the bed and pulled Naruto in his lap and motioned for Shikadai to kneel between their legs.

Shikadai's nose twitched at the honey-like scent that was drifting around and slowly flooding the room. It was coming from his mother. Shikamaru opened his legs which in turn opened Naruto's since they were laid on his and Shikadai could make out the male omega anatomy. Shikamaru pushed the pink sweatshirt out of the way and Naruto's lower half was exposed to their 12-year-old son.

"Alright let's guide you through," Shikamaru started as he trailed his hand from Naruto's inner thigh to his small omega cock. "This is your mother's cock, used primarily for the bathroom and producing semen for female alphas should he had mated with one. It's small, cute, and mostly considered a fixture to make him more appealing."

Naruto had to fight the urge to close his eyes as he felt shame and arousal crawl through him. Shikadai's face was full of amazement along with a blush at seeing his mother's private parts. Shikamaru chuckled at them and planted a small kiss on Naruto's marked scent gland which made the blonde give a full body tremor. Shikamaru's hand traveled downwards a bit stopping at Naruto's slick ready cunt.

(Yes, I gave him a vagina)

"This is where you came from when I penetrated him, this is his equivalent to a female omega's vagina. As you can see he's slightly aroused at the moment so slick is being produced to make an alpha's cock easier to accept," Shikamaru explained as he used two fingers and opened Naruto's entrance.

A slightly steady stream of slick oozed out and onto the floorboards making the omega screw his eyes shut. No, this was too much and too embarrassing to have his son witness him like this. "An omega's slick is flavored like that of their scent. I know you smell honey Shikadai which means your mother's slick tastes like honey. Even the consistency of this slick is that of honey."

"C-Can I taste it?" Shikadai asked as he leaned closer to inhale Naruto's cunt a bit.

'You sly son of bitch,' Shikamaru thought.

Naruto however squealed and tried to close his legs. "No, no, I refuse," The blonde shook his head with a blood-curdling glare to boot. Shikadai recoiled and raised his hands in surrender. Despite his new status, he would never contest his mother's will.

"I knew this family was weird when I married in but I'm not for the incest route," Naruto muttered under his breath. Shikamaru laughed in his shoulder but continued his way down to his asshole.

"Now this is where male betas are to be penetrated should their partner desire an offspring. They have a uterus, inside their anatomy, it is connected to the anal passage. When not in use a latch inside is used to cover the entrance of the uterus to prevent bacteria and other waste materials the body has no use of from contaminating inside. Once in intercourse, the body registers and opens the latch to accept semen," Shikamaru sunk his fingers inside Naruto who bit his lip.

"Beta females have a vagina like female omegas so not much is changed. Male omegas however are so special in their anatomy. Really convenient for any partner and their status."

"Shut the fuck up," Naruto mumbled as he felt the fingers pull out and travel back upwards and under his sweatshirt.

"On to the upper body," In a single fluid motion, Shikamaru pulled Naruto's sweatshirt off leaving him completely naked in front of a newly dubbed alpha. The sudden increase in Shikadai's scent did not go unnoticed by both parents. But they continued anyway, Shikamaru shamelessly grabbed Naruto's small omegan breasts and gave a hearty squeeze.

"Now these are wonderful milk makers. During pregnancy, they swell to accommodate the newborn when they pop out. They will continue producing milk until it's time for you to be weaned off it. When you're done weaning they go back to their normal size, however, during an omega's heat they can swell and produce milk since their bodies are preparing for a newborn to be inserted into their womb," Shikamaru released him and watched his son's dazed expression as Naruto's breasts bounced in his presence.

'This is fucking weird,' Naruto thought but anything for his observant, weird baby alpha.

When it was over Naruto and Shikamaru left their son in a daze in order to start dinner together. They left him in his usual thinking pose but the minute they stepped out of the room Shikadai's eyes narrowed on the small pool of slick that had been leaked earlier. His blush came back, along with his arousal. He dipped his finger in the honey-like liquid and brought it to his lips. His eyes lidded as the taste took him by surprise.

He whined slightly as his erection throbbed for more of the person who dared to leave such delicacies around him. He looked over at the half-ajar door and decided to risk it, he leaned down and licked the remainder off the floor. Once it was all gone a craving set in for more. But he couldn't, he wasn't his mother's alpha, and the idea of his mother giving him more of his slick was absurd. He gritted his teeth and went to take a shower.

Naruto could feel a shift in the home, one that he had no idea what to do about. He would have to wait it out to see what it was. But a part of him felt guilty for even going that far for Shikadai. To a recent alpha who didn't know how to control themselves what they did was akin to him presenting to his son. "You're worried aren't you?" Shikamaru interrupted from beside him.

"And you aren't, what if he gets addicted," Naruto hissed at him, Shikamaru merely shrugged his shoulders. "Shikamaru I'm serious, it's like we were tempting him."

"And all we did was give him an example using your body. I honestly think you're blowing this out of proportion," Shikamaru sighed in his usual lazy, non-caring tone. "He'll be fine, you're his mother."

"As if that ever stopped alphas from imprinting on the first person they smell a potential mate. You saw his face when he asked to taste me. And you smelt it too, he was trying to hide it but you could smell it too," Naruto narrowed his eyes.

"Alright, alright we'll discuss this after dinner with him to see where his head's at," Shikamaru relented and Naruto nodded before turning back to dinner. "Still think you're overreacting."

Upstairs Shikadai was in the shower desperately trying to release as he thought back on his mother's body. The image he had of his mother up until that day had been sweet and caring. A perfect omega to his father but now it was sullied with his desires upon witnessing what beauty he had underneath. He grunted as globs of semen went splat against the bathroom wall, slowly running down and into the drain.

"Kaa-chan, Kaa-chan, I want Kaa-chan," He muttered to himself as his cock twitched again. 

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