Single Father

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"I got the water, Boruto replace the flowers I'll wash Mom off," Shikadai said as he came back holding a small bucket of water with a clean rag. They were in the Nara graveyard doing one of their usual visits to their mother. They visited New Year's, Christmas, and on his birthday. Today was their mother's birthday. Fire lilies were placed in the vase and Shikadai wiped down the headstone. Their father was working himself up to come to say a few words while he burned through a cigar. "Alright, that should do it. Hi Mom, happy birthday!"

"Mama happy birthday! We left your present at the home shrine but wanted to come to clean you up a bit. We started the academy last week and it's cool being in the same class as our friends. Kurama's been teaching us well but he loves going off when it comes to you. He's always on about your determination and how it's something we inherited. I'm happy we make everyone around us proud, I hope we make you proud as well."

"It's a no-brainer of course we make Mom proud. Speaking of which I pulled a prank on Iruka-sensei on the second day and I was made to sit out in the hall. I kinda fell asleep and he yelled at me but what made it all worth it was that he kept on muttering your name fondly and how much I take after you with pranks," Shikadai looked away from the stone flustered and embarrassed.

"We're taking care of Dad, he misses you so much. He thinks we can't hear him sobbing when we sleep next to him but we can. I just wish you were here to see all the things Dad does. He tries hard to take care of us, he's forgetful sometimes and he burns food so I have to cook but he gets us everything we need, we can tell him everything bothering us and he gives great advice. We love Dad so much, I just wish we could make him happier," Boruto said with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Dad loves telling us stories about you two over the years. How you saved Uncle Gaara and brought back Uncle Sasuke. How you were the leader of the Fourth War and how you and Kurama were so close. How everyone agreed that you were the unofficial Hokage and that's why your face is carved on the cliff. We heard it was your dream so we plan to be Hokages together. We're carrying your mantle now Mom," Shikadai said proudly.

As the fraternal twins talked to their mother's grave Shikamaru remained in the shadows crying. The twins were turning 7 in a few months and it was another birthday without his other half. It still tears him apart. That war could've ended differently, why were the gods so cruel in taking away the one person who understood him so deeply? Someone who loved him for all his flaws. There were times as their children grew that he considered suicide but he couldn't, it would be Minato and Kushina's situation all over again. He would never wish that situation on his children, not if he could help it. Besides Naruto would certainly burn him alive if he ever left them alone in the world.

He secretly became a functioning alcoholic, most days were a haze of small limbs pulling him in every direction for something or the next. Other days he couldn't remember, only the sight of his children made him happy. They were the reason he was tethered to the world now. It was difficult learning how to take care of them. He was mildly under the fantasy of Naruto guiding his hand when it came to parental lessons. How they would be that family that was always taking pictures together, having fun in every situation. He made sure that happened but it was all without their crucial piece. In all honesty, he couldn't wait for the day ninja life stole his breath, he wouldn't go down without a fight of course but if he got overwhelmed and his time drew near then he wouldn't fight it.

"Daddy, Mom's waiting for you," Boruto called out as he came over, he stopped as the silent tears streamed freely down his father's face. "Papa," The little blonde tugged at his pants and Shikamaru moved as he allowed the little limbs to guide him to kneel at the headstone. Shikamaru could almost feel Naruto's hands wiping his tears away just like he always did when the Nara got overwhelmed with everything going on around him. He closed his eyes at the sensation only to open them when he saw that Shikadai was the one doing it for him while Boruto stroked his back.

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