Bruised Kisses

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Many people often wondered how Shikamaru managed to have Naruto as a part of his life. The blond was walking chaos. He was always involved in fights, mostly with Sasuke who went to another school across town. When Shikamaru asked for the story Naruto said Sasuke violated him and left him out in the rain. From then on Naruto got stronger and now spent his days kicking anybody's ass who looked down on him. He had tried to fight Shikamaru when the lazy raven found him in an alleyway bleeding out from a knife wound. Of course, Shikamaru only wanted to take care of him so that's what he did.

Naruto left his house and Shikamaru was stunned to find Naruto there the next day with more bruises. He took care of those and sent him on his way. It became routine, so routine to the point Shikamaru made sure to get medical supplies every time he stepped out of his house. It was just known that Naruto would be at his home door or outside of his classroom waiting to be treated. Shikamaru had started bringing his medical supplies after a particularly nasty fight that left Naruto with a bleeding neck. Shikamaru wanted to know who he was fighting but whenever he asked Naruto would tense and close his eyes. He would remain stiff as a board and he would only move when Shikamaru started to dab his wounds.

They grew closer due to the long hours they spent together, Shikamaru found himself often forgetting about his girlfriend Temari. Naruto came between them a lot, whenever Temari suggested a date Shikamaru's mind would wander to the time and noted that Naruto would come in the middle of it and surely enough he did. It didn't bother Shikamaru but it grinded Temari's nerves.

"He's trying to take you away from me!" Temari spat after one particular date Naruto swooped in on. It was their two-year anniversary so it was understandable why she was like this but Shikamaru didn't mind. Nothing Naruto did made him angry which surprised him since he hated when people came annoying him with the same problem.

Naruto was quiet, he never raised his voice, and he didn't even speak much. The only time he spoke was when Shikamaru did something he noted with interest. His calm blue eyes would sparkle a bit when he watched Nara's hands work at making the blood go away. Other times when they hung out Naruto would just stare into space or read a book in absolute silence only the page-turning and his gentle breathing to be heard. Naruto played Shogi with him and at first, Shikamaru thought the blond was just trying to act like he could play but he realized all those random moves just backed him into a corner.

Naruto was interesting to watch when he spent the night at Shikamaru's apartment. He would stay on the sofa without a complaint even though Shikamaru knew his body must ache after all the fighting. Then he would cook breakfast and after he would clean up and take his leave right after patting his head. Naruto was touchy and he liked sitting on any surface as long as it meant Shikamaru standing between his legs. He would hold onto his waist gently and squeeze when the sting of alcohol met his open wounds. Another thing Shikamaru liked was Naruto's birthmarks. Those little fox whiskers made him so childlike and innocent, he liked a lot of things about Naruto. His muscular tall build, the dark clothing he wore which would contrast with his tanned skin, his pristine teeth when he gave a small smile, and that gold mess he called hair.

"No, he's not, he's just hurt and I'm the only one who can care for him." He said as Naruto showed up at his table in the fancy restaurant he brought Temari, he had texted the blond the address without a second thought when he called asking for help. Now he was standing at their table with a busted lip and a knife wound across his cheek, Shikamaru knew there was more probably from the blood that was dripping from the right side of Naruto's black long-sleeved turtle neck. He had thrown a large black trench coat over his shoulders and stood in black jeans that clung to his thick thighs. He looked gorgeous if it wasn't for the bruises.

"Come on Naruto I have the stuff in my car," Shikamaru said getting up.

"Shikamaru if you leave we're over," Temari growled looking dead in his eyes. "He's trying to take you away from me and he's winning."

"I'll leave Shikamaru." Naruto said quietly and was going to walk off but was stopped by Shikamaru's hand. "For the record, I didn't mean to come between you two. I'm sorry." He shrugged off his hand and continued walking away.

"What the fuck Temari, he's injured." He snapped at her as he grabbed his jacket to chase after Naruto.

"Shikamaru if you leave right now don't bother coming back." She said folding her arms and was left all alone at her table as Shikamaru took off without a second thought. He had just ended their 2-year relationship like that. Over some punk who likes fistfights. "You fell in love with him. You fucking love him!" She screamed drawing attention from nearby tables, she started crying heavily as she threw everything off the table to wail.


Shikamaru parked his car and helped Naruto out and into the apartment. They took a shower together and Shikamaru saw the amount of damage Naruto was taking. His entire torso was bruised and some had slight open wounds, if he wasn't packing muscle Shikamaru hated to think of how things would've turned out. He had a stab wound on his right arm and he even had fingerprints around his neck. He's seen worse on Naruto so he wasn't that worried but it still scared him a bit.

After putting on some shorts and a big shirt he dragged Naruto who was only in boxers to the kitchen island so he could sit on the stool. He started disinfecting the slight open wound on his torso, Naruto's muscles tightened and flexed under the cotton bud but Shikamaru ignored it and stitched up the knife wound and wrapped it in clean bandages. He moved onto his face and noted his eyes were watching his every move. He cleaned the slice and put gauze on it and finally, his lips were bruised as well with a little slit on the lower one.

Naruto was watching him while his hands came to settle on his hips, that was normal. Shikamaru was used to that but it's what came after. Naruto pulled him further into him, till the point their privates were touching each other slightly. Naruto looked unreasonably calm as he tilted his head back to look up at Shikamaru, those hands started to go into unchartered territory as they came to cup his ass and move down further to grip his thighs and lift him easily onto his lap. "N-Naruto." He said softly as he broke their silence.

"Kiss me." Naruto looked over his face, Shikamaru's heart pounded in his chest and he knew Naruto could hear it. He blushed wanting to look away but Naruto's wide eyes kept him from doing so. He leaned down and licked his own lips before pressing them against the blond.

Shikamaru could feel the rough skin of Naruto's split lip and was about to pull away when Naruto held onto his waist tightly. "Open your mouth," Naruto whispered against his rose-pink lips, Shikamaru parted them a bit and was taken back by the gentle entrance of his tongue. It was a slow French kiss that made him hyper-aware of the movements he was making with his tongue especially when it twirled around with his. Naruto coaxed him back into his mouth and that was where things heated up.

Naruto's hand slipped under his shirt and caressed his chest and nipples while he started to become aggressive with his kisses. Shikamaru didn't know how long he stayed in that daze but when Naruto pulled back he was sure that he was making a face he shouldn't. He buried himself in the blond's shoulder. "I've wanted to do that ever since I met you," Naruto whispered in his ear, Shikamaru was sure his ears were red at this point.

"Idiot," Shikamaru mumbled and hugged him tighter, Naruto chuckled softly and hugged back just as strongly.

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