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Shikamaru scowled as he kicked the decapitated head across the bloody room. Several bodies were laid torn apart by his shadows. He lit a cigarette as he tried to calm down before going back to his compound to rest beside his mate. His fingers trembled slightly with rage but it wasn't towards Naruto who had been somewhat of a whore these last 5 years. Grief made you do stupid things, it was the fact that these leeches saw his pain and ignored it, in favor of getting one in on the War Hero. When he had finally escaped the fog in the Land of Iron, he wasn't aware of how much time had passed but seeing the shock of the gatekeepers he knew he had been gone a long while.

After being vetted and sent to the hospital to recuperate he reunited with his friends and lover. Naruto especially was a broken mess but kept it together before he collapsed behind closed doors. Naruto apologized, he confessed right away, not sparing any details. But Shikamaru couldn't blame him, this was his lover, his perfect person who was in pain. How could he be mad? He would've wanted Naruto to find a partner if he ever died prematurely. But he didn't find a partner, all he found were bed warmers who manipulated his pain.

'These bastards touched him,' Shikamaru's eyes bled black as he looked over their corpses. 'I still have a few stragglers left to kill. I don't want them to ever utter Naruto's name ever again. He's mine to love, I have to be the one to take care of him.'

He exhaled, the smoke filling the room as he began pouring gasoline in each and every room. Shikamaru didn't realize it but he had come out of the fog a bit unstable. He didn't note that Naruto was willing, that possibility was erased from his calculations. He was convinced that they had taken advantage of the blonde, mere normal citizens. He murdered them without hesitation by having Naruto send out letters to them asking for a second time. He had convinced the blonde that in order to mend this he needed to meet every last partner he brought to bed.

Naruto didn't know that he was absolved of his passionate escapades, he was golden but Shikamaru had to eliminate them because he would never chance meeting one of these smug bastards in the street. He stood at the door of the old apartment; it was abandoned so no innocent citizens would be caught in the crossfire. He flicked his cigarette onto the trail of gasoline and watched it go up in flames. "No one will ever take advantage of you ever again," Shikamaru spoke out loud as he tilted his head to the right to see Naruto standing there with big eyes. "You should've stayed home; you don't have to face them anymore."

"Shikamaru what the hell did you do?" Naruto accused as his eyes started tearing up, he froze suddenly, stiff, and Naruto looked down to see their shadows connected. "Please stop."

"You'll run away if I do," Shikamaru began walking and Naruto had no choice but to do the same. Shikamaru cupped his cheeks and Naruto's hands did the same. "I'm doing what's best for you, for us."

"Shikamaru they were innocent-"

"No, they weren't," Shikamaru spat, his eyes narrowed in anger. "They used your grief; you weren't in your right state of mind Naruto."

"There was consent from me, we consented to have sex Shikamaru," Naruto tried to explain. "I told you because it was the right thing to do because I thought you were dead, gone forever."

"But now that I'm back we have to get rid of the stains on this relationship. Those were the stains, they tainted you, burning them will make you clean."

Naruto was speechless as he looked into Shikamaru's eyes. This was his boyfriend, his future husband but he wasn't all there up in the head. He still had a brilliant mind but he was unstable, very unstable.

"Hey stop crying, why are you crying?" Shikamaru asked in such a gentle voice as if a building wasn't burning down around them. Like the flames weren't roaring in their ears. Naruto could only cry, wondering what Shikamaru endured in the fog to make him this way, to make him mentally unsound. "Naruto, baby it's okay. I'm here to take care of you. Just trust me, okay, once all the others are dead then everything will be fine. Alright?"

Naruto was paralyzed, he begged Kami-sama to bring his boyfriend back, his best friend, his perfect person. Kami-sama fulfilled that wish but Shikamaru was a bit broken. Shikamaru was smiling so widely and he could only cry in despair. Naruto knew he would forgive Shikamaru, he was so lost without him there, he couldn't turn him away or break up with Nara. How could he? This was his future husband. 'Maybe I am a bit broken as well. No matter, we can be broken together.' If killing them all was what it took to get back a little of his Shikamaru then so be it, he would give them up. So much for being a ninja that protects its citizens.

"Let me go," Naruto pleaded.

Shikamaru's expression turned to pain. "No, I don't want you to leave me. I'm doing what's best for you, for us. Why are you opposing me?"

"I won't run away, I promise you that much Shikamaru but please let me go," Naruto blubbered as his vision of the other got blurry with tears. Shikamaru reluctantly retreated his shadow and was surprised that Naruto leaned up to kiss him. He reveled in the intimate act; he grasped his lover's cheeks tightly as they kissed each other hungrily.

He was re-claiming his lover, marking his territory. Naruto pulled away to gasp for breath as Shikamaru greedily sucked on his neck, ripping his clothes to get more of the blonde's solid muscles. Naruto moaned as he allowed the action, clinging to the shadow of the Shikamaru of the past to soothe his heart. He could accept this Shikamaru, it was still his Shikamaru. Naruto was blind-sighted as Shikamaru laid a harsh bite into his neck, Naruto screamed in shock and pain as his knees gave out. Shikamaru held him up as he dug his teeth deeper into the wound. When he pulled back his face was bloody and his eyes shone with a gleam of insanity.

"See? You're mine, all mine, no one will ever touch you ever again. I won't allow it; I'll get rid of them permanently," Shikamaru whispered lovingly as he carried Naruto home, the blonde in mute shock as he held his bleeding neck. At their home in the Nara compound, they showered in silence, Shikamaru dressing the wound as Naruto tuckered out for the night. Shikamaru wasn't done, however, he went down to the living room to see that Naruto had written the addresses of the last few that took advantage of him.

He memorized the addresses before heading out under the cover of night. He set fire to the houses, no matter if they had children or wives. The fact they had family placed a disgusting taste in his mouth. They were cheating on their significant others; it was all the more reason to burn them to a crisp. He listened to them scream and beg for help but he only stepped into the shadows and listened. It was quite a sight.

The next morning everyone was gossiping about what happened to the families and who could be responsible. Naruto turned to Shikamaru who looked utterly content with smoking his cigar, he was smiling as well. Naruto turned away and sighed, his shoulders relaxing as he sat up straighter as their friends started rolling into the restaurant for brunch. The couple would never mention what happened that night ever again. Not to their friend and never to each other. Shikamaru seemed to become his old lazy self again so Naruto took that as a good sign that this really needed to happen.

He married Shikamaru 5 months later and they've been happy ever since. Only occasionally would a dead body pop up once in a while that had been extra close to Naruto, flirted with the blonde, and or touched him in a way Shikamaru deemed inappropriate. Naruto wouldn't comment on it as he just wanted to live in peace with his husband and if getting rid of those his husband marked as unworthy to live anymore then fine. He would not stop him.

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