Feminine Boy

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In Shikaku's eyes Naruto was a doll. The blond was a real gem among his classmates and he found himself more often than not admiring how he dressed. Naruto was clearly gay and he was confident with every stride he took in his feminine clothes. It never violated the college's dress code but Naruto seemed to be toeing the line more often than not like a rebel. The plaid mini skirts were his favorite to see the blond in along with those platform shoes which were somehow silent when he wanted them to be. The collars he would wear looked so snug on his tanned neck. His blond hair would flow in the wind and fall effortlessly around his face to give him this mused-up look that matched his personality perfectly.

Shikaku taught the male princess Chemistry a subject he had noticed that Naruto's grades were slipping in. The blond always made it to the B+ listing but now he was seeing grades bordering on F. He couldn't let the blond continue slipping so he decided to pull him aside on Friday to discuss the areas he needed to improve on.


The bell rang on Friday and almost everybody rushed out of the last lecture, Naruto on the other hand had fallen asleep due to studying last night for a pop quiz he had on Monday. He didn't hear the bell or the cleaning up of his Chemistry sensei but he did feel the gentle movement of his hair. A deep voice filled his ear and he found himself obeying without a second thought. "Naruto it's time to go." The blond got up and wiped the sleep from his eyes before coming face to chest with Shikaku-sensei.

"I'm so sorry!" Naruto apologized as he quickly jumped to his feet. He stumbled a bit in his black heels but was steadied by strong arms holding his waist.

"It's okay slow down I'm not upset in fact I'm quite disappointed Naruto," Shikaku said wasting no time in getting to the point. "You slipping Naruto is everything alright at home?"

The blond who was now wide awake pulled back from the steady arms and looked him in the face. "Should I be completely honest or should I lie?"

"Honest please."

Naruto looked down at his feet as he carefully ironed out the wrinkles in his outfit. "My Dad just got home from military service but he has PTSD so he would wake up screaming some of his fallen men's names. I can't sleep when I hear him cry so me and my mom try to help him back to bed but it leaves us exhausted." When Naruto finished he had a few stray tears down his cheeks which he hurriedly wiped away.

"I understand I was just surprised to see your grades falling so quickly that I had to address it before the next major project. You can't fail this one Naruto otherwise I have no choice but to fail you." Shikaku said showing Naruto his current marks. "In cases like this there would be make-up tests but with your circumstances, I understand if you can't do it, I'll try to give you a project based on the topics you fell short under to make up the required grade."

Naruto grinned and hugged the man tightly around the torso. "Thank you sensei you have no idea how much you're saving me." The blond bent down to pick up his bag and for a moment Shikaku had a vision of Naruto sucking him off right then and there, he quickly snapped out of the thought as the blond stood upright digging into his Gucci backpack for his phone. He quickly unlocked it and handed it over to the teacher. "Your number please, we'll keep in touch."

Shikaku obliged the princess and entered his number before handing it back over, Naruto sneakily named Shikaku in his phone before calling him. Shikaku's phone vibrated in his pants and he pulled out to see an unknown number, he saved Naruto before bidding him goodbye. When he was halfway out the door he could hear heels running closely behind him before he felt a warm sensation press against him. It was Naruto.

"Thank you Sensei, you're seriously the best." He tightened his hold as he got enthralled by the musky cologne his teacher wore, it made him tingle. He reluctantly pulled away and closed his eyes in embarrassment before a hand ran through his hair. He opened his eyes to see his sensei inches in front of his face.

"No need to worry Naruto, I won't let you fail," Shikaku said softly before lazily walking down the halls. Naruto stood there for a minute as he allowed his body to overcome the sex on legs that were so close to him moments before. He blushed and headed out of the school and quickly drove home. Tonight was Mom's special ramen and he wouldn't miss it for the world.


Later that night Naruto thought about his Chemistry sensei as he lay in bed. The man was seriously the most laid-back teacher, even beating the likes of Kakashi-sensei. He was warm to the class always calm and collected, he never seemed upset and even if he was he never took it out on them. He was open-minded about their suggestions, always working with the class to bring out the best. Even when it came to projects, you could do it on your own or form a group as long as you did the work he didn't care how you got it.

'And today he was so understanding. Other teachers wouldn't have cared if he was slightly suffering at home, they would've demanded he do the makeup tests with or without preparations. He's so nice you'd feel like shit if you ever took advantage of him.' Naruto thought pulling his comforter over his body.

His body was a plus as well. It was well known that Shikaku was married before he got divorced when Naruto was in his second year, the girls in his class snooped around and learned he had a son who was in kindergarten, the man gave the aura of a father so he wasn't surprised. He turned over to look at his phone before blushing and looking away. He had saved the man as Daddy much to his pleasure and shame. How could he not the man was candy waiting to be sucked. He wasn't that sort of student but he did have fantasies once in a while about the scenario.

'Get that out of your head,' He thought harshly as he closed his eyes. He was going to school tomorrow. Others had plans for the weekend Naruto planned to catch up on his content. There was no way he was going to fail when he was this close to graduating.


Shikaku had planned to spend his Saturday drumming up ideas for possible projects for Naruto while sorting out already graded pieces to be returned on Monday. So to his surprise, Naruto was in the lab doing work he had demonstrated the previous day. His outfit as always was eye-catching but those shorts were illegal.

He entered the class shocking the blond who nearly jumped out of his seat. "You're lucky it's the weekend, otherwise I would've had to remove you from the campus." Naruto blushed and looked away as the man chuckled and got around his desk, he looked over Shikaku's weekend outfit and found that the man hadn't really changed up his style from a well-attired man. None of the regular young adult clothes, he was more of a mature man. Naruto found that he liked it a lot.

"I'm sorry," Naruto whispered looking away. Shikaku laughed and waved him off.

"It's okay Naruto young people will be young people." He said pulling out test papers. "I love how you express yourself through clothes. You're never embarrassed to do what you want." Naruto beamed at him as he finished his experiment.

"Thank you sensei," He said cupping his cheek, Shikaku smirked at the shy boy in front of him and motioned for him to come closer. Naruto followed his command after cleaning up his experiment.

"Now for you, you have failed the last three tests," Shikaku said getting up with his test grades. Naruto cringed as he was jogged back to that time. He was almost asleep in those tests to the point he wasn't even sure if he had written his name. "Topics being Vibrational Spectroscopy, DNA Replication and Repair, and also Barium Toxicity. As you know each of these topics is a core in chemistry and it is required of you to know and apply these should you take this subject to the next level of learning."

"I get it, it's important and I should try to understand what was taught." Naruto bowed his head in shame. He wasn't the star student of the class, far from it but he made sure not to fail always scoring in the B range when putting in all his efforts. He sighed and looked up with a smile. "I'm ready."

"Lucky for you I'm feeling slightly less lazy today, You're getting a crash course in all three topics and you're retaking the tests after and recreating the experiments we come across." Shikaku turned around and grabbed a piece of chalk. "Now let's get started." 

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