Shadow King

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"Do you have any idea what you've done!" Shikamaru screamed, the sound shattering the windows that surrounded them. Though his father seemed unphased Shikamaru could hear his heart. The scent of fear filled the room and it was not coming from the banished Nara. "You abused me! You let them do whatever they wanted to me! You banished me! And you have the audacity to steal my sanity!"

Shikamaru lunged at his former father, his shadows splitting to nail the other to the wall. Shikaku didn't fight it, he shouldn't because Shikamaru was obviously unstable and any retaliation would bring Shikamaru to kill him. "Shikamaru it was your own good, he was distracting you. You have your shadows; you can come home."

"That isn't my home!" Shikamaru roared, gripping his head as the voices in his head distorted from yelling over each other, more shadows spikes impaled the older Nara who winced as a string of blood left his lips. "Naruto is my home, he is my haven. I love him." Shikamaru cried black tears before his eyes hardened.

"You took him from me!"

"I don't want to become the Shadow KING!"

"It isn't an option anymore, the village will bring you back even if you kill me here," Shikaku choked out as the thickness of the shadows inside his body increased.

"Then I'll just wipe them out until you give me back Naruto," Shikamaru scowled, his eyes turning pitch black, dark veins protruding. His voice began overlapping with the previous Shadow Kings who approved of his decision. "That worthless clan should have known the consequences of stealing treasure from the KING!"

Shikamaru turned and walked away, dragging Shikaku's body along with him.

"What if we had a trap waiting for you?" Shikaku murmured as he was dragged along in the dirt.

"The likes of you pathetic humans trapping me is null," Shikamaru snapped back as he stepped into the shadow of a tree. He teleported to the forest of his clan.

Back when he was first driven out Shikamaru was distressed. He couldn't defend himself out there and it was only by good luck that he met Naruto. A rogue ninja who once hailed from the same village he had been driven out from. Naruto was a sweet angel, took him under his wing and the two began traveling together. Shikamaru felt at peace with the blonde, who would sing to him when he was awoken by nightmares.

He opened his heart and poured all his troubles on Naruto's shoulders and the blonde took it and healed him. Shikamaru, with Naruto's help, was able to unlock his shadows. "What will you do now?" Naruto had asked his eyes somber.

"What do you mean?" Shikamaru asked as he allowed his shadows to familiarize with Naruto. The shadows twisted around the blonde, holding him snugly but not in an uncomfortable way. Just hugging him, like a thank you for helping their master.

"Will you be going back? Leaving me to become the Shadow King?" Naruto elaborated.

"No," Shikamaru told him bluntly. "You're my home Naruto, I could never leave you for those scum."

Naruto gave him a small smile. "You're so adorable," Naruto got up and cupped the other's cheeks. "I love you."

Shikamaru's eyes widened at the confession but his eyes started welling up with tears. "I love you too," He cried as Naruto pulled him into a gentle kiss.

Naruto was his cornerstone, his soulmate, his shadows loved him and to have him ripped away from him made him very irritable.

Shikamaru terrorized his former clan, his shadows creating a barrier around the clan grounds so they couldn't escape nor could anyone come in to save them. His shadows grew and latched onto anyone's insight or hidden behind obstacles. His shadows echoed his question as he tore his former clan's men apart.

"Where is Naruto?!" The shadows screamed. "Where is our Queen?! Our Sanity?! GIVE HIM BACK!"

"They don't know where he is," Shikaku tried to get through to his son but Shikamaru was inconsolable. "You need to stop!"

"Don't tell me what to do! I'm not your fucking son and you took my soulmate. This is your fault and until you give him back, I'll drag you to hell!"

Shikamaru laughed maniacally as he entered his childhood home to find his mother fighting against being choked out by his shadows. "Look at her, all because of you. You wouldn't want your soulmate to die right?"

Shikaku watched his son fondly stroke his mother's hair as she turned blue, she wasn't a shinobi. He watched as he became perverse with how his hands drifted down her body. Touching her waist, her bum, and coming back up to cup her breasts. "You sick bitch!" He cursed at him, Shikamaru tilted his head and looked at him.

"Me? Oh no, I'm just touching her like how you touched me," He turned back to his mother using his dark claws to expose her body. "You thought I forgot, didn't you? You were really backing those drugs. But I remember Daddy, I remember clearly."

"Then do it to me, just leave your mother alone."

Shikamaru chuckled coldly. "You'd go this far to keep me here. How pathetic."

Shikamaru didn't have to lift a hand as multiple shadows started whipping Shikaku's body, particularly his ass. The older man gritted his teeth but Shikamaru could see he was in pain as the lacerations were bleeding heavily. He was propped on the kitchen table, his mother forcibly strapped on a chair, unable to move as she watched her husband be degraded like a common whore.

"I remember feeling your cock against me when I was a little boy," Shikamaru started softly as his shadows mimicked the movement Shikaku did to him as a child. A shadow shaped roughly as a cock slid between the older man's asscheeks. "You would tell naive little Shikamaru that you were just a bit excited. That he should be proud that Daddy's business liked him so much."

Yoshino was wailing, a shadow locked around her mouth as she watched her only son use his shadows to strip her husband. The shadow cock (pfft, I'm sorry I couldn't help it) was now teasing the other's entrance. Shikamaru had begun unbuckling his pants to get his cock out, he was fully erect, quite obviously enjoying the horror he was about to bring to his father. "Remember when you took my virginity, I kept telling you to slow down, be gentle. You ripped me and my bed was covered in so much blood. Mommy looked the other way but now she has a full view. Only this time the roles are reversed."

Without warning the shadowy appendage doubled in size before ramming its way inside the older man as Shikamaru stuffed Shikaku with his cock. "I would never dream of tainting Naruto's body by using my own cock down there, so your mouth will have to do for me. Take heed, my shadows are far from kind."

Shikamaru faces fucked the Head of the Clan, taking pleasure in the other's teeth scraping his cock as his shadow thrusted inside his sore and bleeding hole ruthlessly. The pace was inhumane and Shikaku was crying from the pain he felt as Shikamaru's shadow cock rearranged his insides, there was no pleasure. There shouldn't be but the look of lust on Shikamaru's face scared the father deeply.

He had created this monster, he had touched his son, abused him, let others touch him, and discarded him. He found out that he had developed and he stole from him. This was his punishment. Mother Karma hated him. "Hey now, look alive!" Shikamaru gripped him by the hair, tearing out strands as he picked up speed. "Don't you dare check out bitch! You wanted me 'home' so here I am! You'll become my bitch and I'll fuck you as I please."

He seized his thrusts but the shadow cock only sped up, resulting in Shikaku on his knees jerking from the movement that didn't falter once from rhythm. His eyes were blank and Shikamaru pulled him off from his cock. "Look at you," The former Nara commented, smearing his face with precum and saliva. He spat on him for good measure. "You look much better like this, a broken doll. Limp and lifeless. You've made me very happy."

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