Brothel Lover

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"Where are they?" Temari asked as she came downstairs from her and Shikamaru's room. Yoshino was at the table with a spread of dinner. The older woman scowled as she remembered the lingering scent of perfume on her husband's clothes.

"Probably out in the village going to the bitch they're fucking every end of the month," She responded bitterly. Temari frowned but it wasn't like they could confront them about it. They had forced their hands in this marriage and now father and son seek a real lover to warm their hearts.

"Let's just try and enjoy this lovely meal," Temari said biting down her resentment.

Yoshino snorted. "Whatever I never loved Shikaku anyways."

Temari knew that was a lie, however.

Back in the Hidden Leaf, a brothel was preparing for their usual clientele of ninja returning from a long tiring mission. One worker, in particular, was beaming from ear to ear about the prospect of seeing his lovers again. He was the owner of a said brothel and he kept a clean environment. Many misunderstood what his business entailed and he couldn't blame them.

He considered himself and workers to be somewhat of relief pillows. They talked to the clients, if they wanted physical comfort then that's okay as well. But the main selling point is that they're an ear that will listen to you, an unbiased person who you can cry upon. Sure they might be scandalously dressed but who wouldn't want to look their best for the clients. Time and time again many would come in expecting to see an orgy going on but were surprised by the welcoming smiles and polite behavior. There was the one or two who came in demanding sex but they would be promptly removed from the premises.

Hence most of their returning clients were shinobi. They were kind, polite, and just needed to unload the burdens of their mission, and Naruto and his workers were completely ready and waiting. His two favorites were the Nara father, son duo. Naruto was keenly interested when they first came and hearing their tales made him feel sorrowful for them. It took months to get intimate but Naruto didn't hurry them along despite seeing the desire in their eyes. When they did get intimate Naruto started to fall for them.

It was dangerous, they were married. Married to people who abused the friendship they shared with the Nara to become something the Nara didn't want them to become. Though the union wasn't happy it was still a union made with a promise to be fateful. But who were they kidding, they were shinobi, living in times where the next mission might be your last. He gave in to them and their desires for his body and persona. It was always blissful and Naruto even found himself feeling a bit smug when he would scent their clothing with his perfume, leave smeared lipstick marks on their collars when they had been too busy sucking his neck to notice. Bites and hickies they would complain about but actively encourage all the same.

He was enjoying this affair and he often wondered how their wives reacted to his calling card on their husbands. It was the bait of course but sadly they wouldn't dare venture from the clan grounds to hunt him down. They were wives and wives stayed home.


Shikaku woke up in his marital bed feeling sore. His back ached and he vaguely knew why. Last night he and his son went to see Naruto at his brothel and were sucked into a vacuum that was their blonde lover. He heard a slight moan from beside him and his mood instantly soured. He sneered slightly when Yoshino came closer to him to snuggle. He pushed her away and turned on his side. Yoshino slightly gasped but he couldn't care less, he wanted her to see it. He was miserable with her and if she wanted to continue this bullshit of a marital blissful life then he would shatter it every chance he got.

The only time they had ever been intimate was when the elders demanded an heir and to not stop until they gave birth to a boy. Not even Kami wanted a fate like that set upon him so the firstborn was a son and after that, he refused intimacy with her. They haven't had sex in 27 years which is how old Shikamaru is. He had only got back to being intimate around last year when Shikamaru expressed his unhappy union and to finally do something about the repressed sexual frustration they both felt they went to a brothel.

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