An Underworld Love

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A/N-I know the actual story but let's be fluffy and lemon here. *sips coffee* Ya'll know he kidnapped her because he got hit with a love arrow?! Granted he was interested since ya know? But still, Ya'll Greek gods sneaky!

It was supposed to be another day in the life he lived but a resounding disturbance shook the underworld a bit. Shikaku being the concerned individual about his workload groaned at the thought of more souls to clock in and their punishments. "Haven't those silly humans figured out the key to immortality? If you're going to question the work of the gods at least look in the right place, stupid peasants."

He rose to the surface world and saw nothing out of place even though he knew he was in the right position. He heard a melodious voice singing, the grass and vines grew around him as the singing got louder. Forest animals began crowding in a specific clearing in the distance. He followed the animals and discovered the scene of a beautiful male singing as he ruffled the furs of the animal.

Shikaku was immediately struck by love at first sight and he knew he had to get him. He approached cautiously. "Are you the male maiden singing for a mate?"

When Naruto turned around Shikaku was treated to sparkling blue eyes that looked like stars were doted in them, his thick long bangs framed his slender face and adorable whisker marks sealed the deal. His wonderful tan was proof of his long days basking in the sun.

"Shikaku? God of the Underworld? What brings you to the surface," Naruto smiled at him politely. "I'm Naruto, the first son of Demeter and the goddess of spring."

"Well since you know me aren't you afraid of me?"

"Not one bit, you are essential to the process of life and death. Everything will one day die, even this rabbit that I'm holding," Naruto didn't flinch as he snapped its neck. Shikaku's eyebrows raised as his interest was piqued.

"Will you be interested in courtship?"

"The God of Death wants me as his wife? How interesting but I don't mind. I think my mother will lose her mind, however. I'm your nephew."

"Familial bonds do not tie us, only marriage will should you accept," Shikaku affirmed as he sat beside Naruto and vanished the dead rabbit.

Naruto smiled and nodded.

Demeter scowled at Minato (Zeus) who was watching his brother entertain the blonde to whom he was engaged. It was his son Naruto, sitting in his lap at the end-of-year party on Mount Olympus. Everyone knew of the happy couple and thought it weird that one cultivated life while the other took the life of others.

Naruto's hair was adorned with beautiful, half-dead flowers, and was wearing a dark flowing gown, and was barefoot. His eyes were darker from spending so much time in the underworld.

Everyone could see Demeter losing her mind the more intimate they became. It didn't make sense, however, as she always ignored her only son, preferring to spend time with her six daughters. So why did she care about her only son being engaged to the God of the Underworld? Naruto pointedly ignored her as he took a pomegranate from Shikaku, it would bind him to the underworld making him the only one eligible to be Shikaku's bride and Goddess. Demeter watched in shock as Naruto ate the fruits, shadows curled around his arms in intricate designs, Shikaku's branding plastered on his shoulder.

"It looks so great," Naruto complimented as he was brought into a passionate kiss. Demeter screeched as she made a scene at the party. Naruto looked at her coldly and Shikaku shook his head in disappointment. "Can we go?"

They soon left the party, Demeter being held back by her daughters, on the outside as they stood at the edge of the platform Shikaku decided to get to the bottom of the reason Demeter suddenly cared. So, he questioned Naruto, the blonde sighed and chuckled. "I'm rather feminine-looking don't you think?"

"Yes, but you are beautiful, very beautiful, enchanting, and a joy to be around. Though we may be opposites I believe we are compatible."

"Flattery suits that face of yours, darling. As for my previous question, there is a reason why I look like this despite being a male. Do wide hips fit for childbearing? A thick chest that could pass for breasts? Anything ringing up in that head of yours?"

"You are capable of giving birth?" Shikaku asked, stunned by the blonde's serious look in his eyes.

"I'm the first of this kind of god and therefore Mother wanted me to remain a virgin. Fearful of what I could produce should I be impregnated," Naruto looked upset at having to admit it. "But I want children, though I may be the first of my kind I want to have children of my own."

"Don't worry I'll give you lots of children," Shikaku wrapped his arms around the blonde and kissed him passionately as he opened up the earth so they could descend. "Will you marry me?"

"Idiot we're already engaged."

"I know but I want to ask again," Shikaku smiled as he secured an arm around his waist.

"Silly God," Naruto chided.

They wedded in the New Year and Naruto was pregnant as his dress was altered to accommodate his baby bump. His mother tried to scold him, telling him he would give birth to unnatural creatures like a cyclops or a centaur. It was then they discovered Naruto's hidden talent. The wedding was decorated with a massive array of flowers that turned dark. The flowers wilted under Naruto's anger. In Shikaku's opinion, it looked a thousand times better but if Naruto wanted living flowers, then he would get living flowers.

"Either you shut up and sit down or get out of my wedding. I don't give a fuck about your fears, I won't let you lock me up in solitude because you decided for yourself that I am not worthy to use what I've been given," Naruto's eyes that once shone with bright blue eyes were dark like a galaxy void. "I'm having this baby and I will love it and if you ever pull any of your schemes, I will let those pathetic humans you love starve."

Demeter left the wedding and the couple enjoyed the new side of the wedding venue.

Naruto is now known as the Goddess of Death and it seems his powers now reflect that when needed. Naruto had a smooth birth and welcomed Shikamaru into the world. Shikamaru was like his father in many ways but his blue eyes were like Naruto's. They glowed however when he was killing things, ever since he was a baby if he was on the surface and saw something moving, he would purposely crawl, waddle or any other movement to get in front of the living animal or person and kill them.

Shikaku was a proud father and Naruto only shook his head fondly. It wasn't long until Naruto became pregnant again and gave birth to Shikadai when Shikamaru was 7 years old. They were on Mount Olympus and they were trying to figure out what Shikamaru's powers entailed since his eyes glowed when killing people. It was nothing like Shikaku who could just cast death on people with a single thought or Naruto who when filled with negative emotions or anger would wilt things around him. They had disguised themselves among the humans once and Naruto became angry in public, the people around them aged rapidly and spontaneously died as a result.

They crossed paths with Demeter who was asking the Seer if this year would be a good one for the humans she cared for so much. When she saw her son holding an infant with another small child holding onto his dress, she became entranced. She opened her mouth to say something, to congratulate her son on his children but he stepped past her, his figure imposing as he had gotten as tall as Shikaku, just an inch or two shorter than the man. Shikamaru who knew the backstory looked Demeter in the eye as his eyes started glowing.

'You hurt mom so I should hurt you in turn,' Shikamaru thought and Demeter felt her chest tighten upon the sight of the young child.

'The walking incarnate of death,' She thought as she tried everything to pry her eyes away from him. Luckily Shikaku saw what he was doing and laughed, it gained Naruto's attention who looked down at his firstborn who was clinging to his dress while he stared down Demeter.

"Come now baby, you're too young for that. Try again in three years," Naruto said sweetly as he ruffled his hair. Shikamaru's eyes returned to normal and he blushed at the affection.

"Okay, Mommy."

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