Eating Sugar

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Requested by:AllyCk128

"Oh, you're already here?" Naruto questioned as he opened the door to Shikaku's office only to see not Shikaku but his son. "Sorry, thought you were your father for a second."

Shikamaru turned away from the files he was organizing for his father to see a blonde male decked out in Anbu gear, his mask hanging on a thin orange rope around his neck. "He just went to the bathroom, he'll be back if you can wait. If not then you can pass on a message through me."

Shikamaru kept his tone polite, despite looking in his teens Shikamaru knew the male had to be a few years older than him. The blonde took a seat, sighing as he leaned back. "I can wait, it's urgent and a quick message would not suffice."

Shikamaru went back to organizing while Naruto pulled out his latest book. While Naruto was engrossed in his book he took note of Shikaku's son. Of course, he knew the male, he was sixteen, on the fast track to becoming Jounin and he's started to shadow his father on duties. If it wasn't obvious Shikaku was planning to hand over the mantle to his son. Naruto thought it was still a bit too early for the other as he's seen Shikamaru's friends, patrolling the village making you see snippets into the lives of others you pass daily.

His friends were just enjoying the throws of Chunin. It made him reminiscent of those times when he was sixteen. It was a mindless time, taking risker missions, drinking, gambling all the things older shinobi preach against Chunin indulged. Granted he wasn't an exception. He wasn't a saint, he gambled and still gambled. He always gambled his odds when choices came up for him. But that was the extent of his degeneracy as a shinobi.

Higher missions require you to be above the level required to guarantee survival. Being equal to a mission is a 50/50 odds of survival. Drinking lowers inhibitions over time, you're more likely to have a corrupted train of thought. Naruto had thoughts he'd like to keep in the dark where they belonged until his body went cold, drinking to bring them out was foolish so he abstained. He flipped another page before he opened his mouth.

"Shikamaru why do you always shadow your father? I know you're on the fast track to Jounin but shouldn't you be indulging in things for people your age."

Now that Shikamaru could focus on the blonde he noted how the question made him seem older despite his youthful looks. His voice held a deeper tone, he wasn't even looking at Shikamaru but Shikamaru knew he was being observed, for what he didn't know. "You know asking that is making me doubt your age in my mind."

"I'm 24, add it to your mental profile," Naruto flipped to another page. "Can't build a profile on assumed information."

"Noted. And to answer your question is because I find it mindless. It's fun until you have to buck up when you're a Jounin. I don't like having my addictions pleasured regularly because I'll start to get tunnel vision, stumble too far into my darkness, and crash and burn. I would rather avoid that by skipping it entirely. As a shinobi you also have more power over the civilians, I'm not a person to abuse my authority but if I'm regularly under the influence that thought process can be set in motion."

Naruto smiled a bit at the answer, which was almost a mirror of his thought process. "That's rather interesting, you have the same views as me. But whereas you've stripped yourself of that influence before it could take root I've allowed one in. You should pick one, being a saint isn't for a shinobi, we already murder as shinobi."

"I just don't see the benefit really," Shikamaru folded his arms in thought.

"It should be something small, one that everyone should know about you," Naruto pulled out a pair of dice seemingly from nowhere. "Shikaku is a chain smoker and I have a penchant for throwing dice when given a choice."

Shikamaru tilted his head at that. "There was one time in my life when I considered smoking but it looked troublesome later in life and it tasted bitter."

"You'll find it, that little detail keeps us in check more than you know. Psychopaths and Sociopaths strive for perfection or project a perfect image. Having a bad habit makes us mortal," Naruto tossed the dice in the air and caught them to reveal an even number.

"What choice was that?" He asked curiously.

"Do expose Shikaku hiding in the room or not. It's even so yes," He pulled out a kunai and aimed to launch it before Shikaku sighed and revealed himself.

"I was hoping to glean more from this conversation," He wandered over to his desk as he turned to Naruto. "What do you think?"

Naruto turned to him with a blank expression. Shikamaru didn't know why but he felt like they were talking about him. "He's young."

"That doesn't factor into this," Shikaku rolled his eyes.

"Dice?" Naruto offered.

"For a marriage Naruto?" Shikaku sighed in disbelief.

"Hey, it's because I'm a human chain smoker. You smoke two cigars before you plan shit," Naruto countered.

"What is going on?" Shikamaru asked in a confused tone. When marriage came out he was on edge.

"Your father wants me to marry you," Naruto shrugged. "This meeting was to see your mentality for myself. It's attractive and I have no doubt we'll be good partners but you're young."

"I was engaged to Yoshino when I was younger than both of you," Shikaku took out a cigar.

"Yeah, but this new generation has all sorts of ideas," Naruto leaned back and took on a more dominant pose as he closed his book. "What do you think Shikamaru?"

"I find it funny you'd ask me after it's practically getting set in stone," He replied sarcastically. He was intrigued by Naruto, his way of talking was slightly hypnotic but that man was nearly 30. Even though he had to admit the gap was wide he could see why his father saw Naruto as a potential match for him.

It was those knowing blue eyes that didn't seem to lust or want for anything. They were so neutral, like an unnaturally still lake.

"Should we throw for it? Odd or Even. No, or Yes," He got up and placed the dice in Shikamaru's hand.

"Why would something like this be decided by the throw of dice?" Shikamaru felt fear crawl up his throat when the still lake started rippling.

"Isn't that what makes it fun?" Naruto smirked. "No one in their right mind would trust their life to a roll of the dice. Yet people like me love it."

Shikamaru found it hard to look away as he tossed the dice up Naruto caught it and slammed it on the table to reveal an Odd number. Shikaku groaned. "Well, there goes a potential partner," He sighed, the blue tint of smoke leaving his nose.

"That's it?" Shikamaru looked back at Naruto who had gone back to normal. He noted that it seemed that Naruto only got that lustful look on his face when the choice was something life-altering.

"Yeah, the dice roll is sacred for me," Naruto ruffled his hair. "Seems fate is in your favor."

"Just out of curiosity-"

"Yes I would've married you," He shrugged. "It's just a piece of paper to ensure your future."

"I don't peg you as the type to be so self-sacrificing," Shikamaru's gaze scanned Naruto again, this time Naruto could see a bit of greed enter his eyes.

'So that's your nasty habit,' Naruto thought. 'What a penetrative gaze. If I didn't know any better I would have thought you were a predator. I'll devour you little fawn.'

"Shikamaru ignore the dice. Chase this gambling addict," Shikaku ordered.

"You don't need to tell me twice," Shikamaru mumbled under his breath.

Naruto picked up his dice, tossing it casually as he strolled to the door. "Fine, I'll indulge in one date. Come on little fawn."

Shikamaru waved his Dad bye before chasing after Naruto.

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