Baller's Boyfriend

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"Is, is Shikamaru jerking him off right now?!" Ino was muffled by Sakura's hand as she nearly screamed it. Sakura gave her a firm glare as they both took note of Choji's slightly green face and for once it wasn't attributed to food. Across the hall was one of their former friends. Shikamaru the laziest guy in the entire school was now Naruto's boyfriend.

Now here at Konoha Academy, this had several implications considering that Naruto was the star basketball player. He was favored for a lot of things. Sure he was slightly an idiot but he made up for it in his traits of honesty, determination, and a rebellious streak for going against authority. Naruto was the poster boy for the entire school's reputation. It was a common thing with tradition that every basketball player had a partner, someone to keep them high and happy.

Naruto was no different which shocked them since he went their first year without getting a significant other, however by their second year he managed to land Shikamaru. The smartest one in the entire school. Shikamaru had a policy for not taking up 'troublesome' situations which made his overnight change shock his friends even more. In plain terms, he became a brat, a greedy, horny brat. Naruto didn't seem to mind since Shikamaru made him high and happy.

But they were more open with their affection for each other. Sure the other members made out heavily with their partners at lunch but if you look at Naruto and Shikamaru only Naruto's usual black shorts kept them from fucking right out in the open. Shikamaru was never shy which made every situation all the more heated since they didn't seem to care that they had an audience most of the time.

But what hurt the most for them was that Shikamaru had cut ties with them. Permanently. He had done it in such a Nara way as well. He stopped coming to their tables, never responded to their texts only to find out that he had changed his number, acted coldly when approached, and so on. The biggest change was his appearance. Shikamaru was one for his usual high ponytail but this time around he had bangs framing him slim face which made him appear more feminine than they would actually like to admit. Next came piercings. Naruto had his entire ears lined off with them and Shikamaru followed suit even going as far as to get a tongue ring, a piercing Naruto didn't have. Next was a tattoo Kiba saw when they were getting ready for gym class.

It was the signature swirl pattern that Naruto was known to have on his forearm as a tattoo. Shikamaru had gotten it in the middle of his back below his neck. He wasn't even hiding it. He had morphed overnight and the only thing that remained the same was his grades, still top of his class and still took naps during classes. It hurt them but it was common for anyone who caught the interest of a basketballer. They had to look the part of a supportive spouse to their dominant men or women. Shikamaru was obviously enthralled by whatever Naruto said in his confession.

So enthralled that he took a 360 to fit the mold he now found himself in. Which brings them back to the current situation. Naruto and Shikamaru were leaning into each other. Naruto's arms snug around Shikamaru's shoulders as he held his face to engage in deep kisses that were getting hotter every time they pulled away for breath. Shikamaru's hand was dipped below the table on Naruto's side but the rapid movements and Naruto tensing every now and again was a clear indication that yes Shikamaru was jacking him off.

In the middle of the lunch room.

Sure they were slightly shielded by the others who were doing questionable acts with their partners but Naruto and Shikamaru were the main act. Two sexy gay boys going at it always made others feel a little wet in the Southern Hemisphere. It sure looked like Naruto could eat Shikamaru out of his mouth alone as you could even see them sucking on each other's tongues. It was so hypnotic that others who had begun to notice couldn't stop looking. The majority of the conversations had died down, it was still there but you could hear the obscenity as the baller's table became louder. It wasn't just Naruto and Shikamaru who took pleasure in public. All the basketball members took pleasure in it.

A little loud moan here, a grunt there, a swear sprinkled in, and slapping skin could be heard from the table. It was like a mini orgy except they were all possessive with their partners and didn't let them play with each other. It would be something since Shikamaru was one of the two males that were partners to ballers. Naruto's free hand had started to roam, up into Shikamaru's shirt it went and by Shikamaru's squeal that was slightly muffled but still heard from around his and Naruto's tongues curling it would seem the blond had found an already well-explored area to fondle.

The way in which Naruto clutched Shikamaru's pectoral was similar to how men handle breasts. Naruto molested them as Shikamaru's voice picked up. For the first time, they finally pulled away as Shikamaru hid into Naruto's neck as the blond continued to fondle him. Naruto whispered something to Shikamaru and the way the Nara stiffened and cried out unabashed it was safe to say they both had reached completion. Shikamaru's hand resurfaced and he cleaned it with his tongue which made some curse under their breath as they got a glimpse of his tongue ring as his pink tongue contrasted with the silver ball. It was agonizing to watch him especially with a possessive Naruto watching him like a hawk as he finished every drop before they locked lips again only this time Naruto was pulling him so that the Nara straddled him.

It would've continued if only the bell didn't ring causing a sigh of relief as they both knew that after they got off sex was next on its way. They have heard Naruto and Shikamaru go to town and as quiet as Shikamaru claimed to be before he ditched them he could be very vocal when Naruto was driving him up the blackboard in class or in the middle of the basketball court after a good game left him feeling high and Shikamaru now had to be the happy component. They weren't sure what caused the change in Shikamaru's persona but seeing him like this definitely changed their perspective on how they saw the boy they grew up with. Ino and Choji looked over sadly at their once-third link before heading to class.

Naruto and Shikamaru pulled away to grin at each other as they dove back into each other's mouths. It was so addictive for Shikamaru who never knew pleasure could come so easily with his boyfriend. He felt high as he ground his hips down into the blond's growing member. "Strip hurry before some teacher comes," Naruto whispered as he pushed the other off so he could drop out of his skinny jeans Naruto pulled out his cock to lazily stroke it to the view of his boyfriend.

When Naruto had confessed he had expected to be rejected but was surprisingly accepted and though many claim it was because of him that Shikamaru changed, that wasn't the case. Shikamaru changed of his own free will. When Naruto asked Shikamaru told him that this was something he was to do for a long while and Naruto was a great buffer to keep the others at bay with their questions on why he was acting like this. Naruto took it in stride and supported him.

Shikamaru climbed back into his lap and Naruto guided him down on his member. Shikamaru panted throwing his head back as he moved his hips to bury Naruto deeper in him to get him rubbing his fat cock into his prostate. Naruto loved watching Shikamaru come undone because of him. It was so addicting to watch his bangs bounce in tune with his ass as he rode Naruto to their completion, their first orgasm had been enough to trigger their second one quickly so Shikamaru wasted no time and put his calves to work as he leaned down to connect their lips once again.

Shikamaru would never admit it and Naruto wouldn't force him to admit but the Nara had a kink for the essence of his lover. Saliva, semen, and when he clawed Naruto's back too hard blood. He couldn't describe it but having some part of Naruto in his mouth made him quiver in pleasure. That's why some of their kisses were messy, well all of them were messy. It was because Shikamaru wanted to swallow down on Naruto, he would blown him in public but even that was a bit too far for their standards. Naruto had caught on and kindly donated his hard cock whenever he wanted it.

"I'm gonna come in your pussy Shika-chan." Naruto had seized his hips and started bucking into him as he felt the coil in his stomach nearly snapping. Shikamaru held onto his shoulder as he felt himself spilling over already, he cried out so loud that it echoed. He kept gasping as he felt Naruto full him inside. Naruto released his hips as he bucked into warm heat milking himself into his boyfriend. Shikamaru sunk back down on him taking everything.

Shikamaru started to grind on him which brought out whimpers of over-sensitivity from the male as Naruto smirked into his neck. They weren't done, far from it. 

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