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Shikaku felt numb, then he felt the first fire of rage as he looked at the blonde who was pale as a ghost. No sign of his tan to be seen. "Shikaku please it wasn't consensual, it was a mistake," Naruto said as he tried coming closer but the other growled to keep the distance. "Please you have to believe me! I would never do that to you, not to Shikamaru either."

"Don't call his name out of your mouth, I saw you! How can you explain that?!" He started tearing up. "I thought I could marry you! I had plans! Now I realize you're just the same as her! Stay away from me, I don't want to see you here ever again."

Naruto started crying at the thought of them not seeing each other ever again. "Please no Shikaku, Trust me please trust me, I would never do that to you. I swear."

There was no more to talk about, it was all said and done. Shikaku walked away from the blonde who kept screaming for him. He couldn't get over the sight of seeing his once-beloved blonde kissing that bastard he said was just a friend.

"Where's Naruto?" Shikamaru asked when he came home later, Shikaku sighed heavily and even his son got to see his red eyes.

"He's gone Shikamaru, just the same as your mother."

Those words struck a chord inside the small boy, he knew what his father meant and he gripped the edges of the shogi board he was playing with. "I see," He said in a quiet voice as he kept his tears at bay.

Why were people so determined to hurt him and his father? It just didn't make sense to the boy, they were honest people, living right and within their means. 'At least we found out before things got permanent,' He thought with a small sigh.

***2 years later***

"He's changed so much," Shikaku thought aloud as he watched the blonde prance around the park with a flock of children hanging onto him. They were all calling him some variation of his real name so it was so cute and innocent. He hated to admit it but he still loved the other despite 2 years passing in a blink.

He and his son watched from afar they were both transfixed. His once mid-length blonde hair was now styled in two cane rows that were highlighted with neon blue. He seemed to even gotten more feminine with his outfits as they tugged his outfit with their chubby hands. "He's a real eye-catcher huh?" A female spoke up as she sat beside him.

"He's impossible to ignore," Shikaku said as he curled his fists up as single fathers started chatting up to him as the blonde bounced one of their sons in his arms.

"Shame really, he told me about a lover who left him because he misunderstood the situation. Whoever the bastard is they should've listened to him. He used to describe the cutest boy he had as a son with him. How they were just peas in a pod. They had even discussed marriage. Then his ex-best friend kissed him forcefully and the man just happened to stumble upon it. Dumped him right out in the open. I always tell him he should move on, look for someone else and have a family, but he loved that father-son duo so much. Maybe you and your son should try talking to him. All the single dads who happen to be bisexual are so interested in taking him out but he rejects them. Maybe you'll be successful."

"You do realize you're telling this to a complete stranger right? What makes you believe I'm interested?' Shikaku asked even as Shikamaru fidgeted in his seat, he was ready to run to Naruto.

"Because you and your son are still his wallpaper on his phone," She countered as she got up with a blank face. "Don't fuck him up Shikaku or I'll fuck you up."

She spun on her heel and left the park but not before waving to Naruto who waved back joyfully. The joy however died on his face as he spotted the Nara duo. He paled slightly and turned around quickly to talk to the single father who was still chatting him up. The other children had been taken by their parents and now only the father and his son remained. The son was cuddling in his chest and something in Shikaku shifted.

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