Christian School

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It was awkward, they didn't know what they were doing, they just knew it felt right. They felt free. Their lips were pushed together in a beginner's kiss and Naruto stuck his tongue out like he had seen in movies and Shikamaru followed him. Their hands stayed firmly at their sides, they tried placing them elsewhere but they fumbled. Shikamaru pulled back and gently cupped Naruto's cheeks, watching his face turn crimson, his ears turning a pretty shade of pink. It felt right to kiss the blonde, his heart wanted it so he did it. Even if their religion said it was wrong to want such things.

Maybe he was broken, maybe he broke Naruto as well. "Are you okay?"

Naruto blinked confusingly. "It felt good, m-m-maybe if we did it more, it'll feel even better," He stumbled out of his mouth. Shikamaru smiled and nodded, the halls were empty so they held pinkies as they headed back to their dorms. Behind closed doors, they tried things and got comfortable with each other. Naruto would shyly kiss Shikamaru's cheek before heading out anywhere, it would linger, Shikamaru feeling the saliva cool on his skin. He would do the same but he pecked Naruto's lips since he was a bit bolder.

They shared long hugs, intimate hugs, and hugs that led to them fighting against each other. Naruto looked adorable when his eyes lit up as he came, his voice trapped in his throat as he gasped a bit from the sudden rush. They locked the doors and they continued to kiss. Soon awkward lip pushing became long heated dances of tongues. It was hungry and they both flopped over on Shikamaru's bed, Shikamaru holding himself over Naruto. Naruto's slim fingers clung to his boyfriend.

He pushed Nara away and looked up at his confused face. "Are we dating?"

"Of course, we are, I would never do this for fun," Shikamaru answered strongly as they both sat up. He pulled Naruto to his chest. "We may be far apart when we go home but I will come to you. I will find you; no fucking school or parents will keep us apart."

Naruto hugged him tightly with a bright smile on his face as he now had a boyfriend, one that wouldn't disappear like the one back home who avoided him like the plague when they were caught. Shikamaru was willing to fight for them. "Thank Shika," Naruto blubbered. you, thanks

"You don't need to thank me, just keep smiling, that's all I could ever ask from you," Shikamaru kissed him.

It was thrilling, they were happily in love and the sneaking aspect made it exhilarating. They'd kiss in the empty halls, the closet, the little alcoves, and vacant classes. The touching increased as well, they were clumsy teenagers but they experimented with all sorts of things they saw in magazines or on the unrestricted internet. Timidly touching their cocks and giving hand jobs or a semi-blowjob Shikamaru gave to Naruto. Shikamaru found Naruto's semen a bit on the sweet side but he would never say it out loud as the blonde was mortified that he came inside his mouth. He rushed to apologize but Shikamaru waved him off.

Naruto wanted to return the favor but Shikamaru didn't let him as he was visibly uncomfortable with the act. "But," Naruto tried to push back but Shikamaru's stern eyes made him kill the argument on his tongue. Shikamaru had taken the dominant role, Naruto was far too timid to give directions and instead loved receiving every little action Shikamaru gave him.

"Sit on my lap," Shikamaru patted his lap, his frame facing the long mirror. Naruto sat on his lap, his frame entering the mirror. He was already blushing as Shikamaru slipped his hand under his shirt, the other one dipping in his shorts. Shikamaru felt oddly like a predator as he watched Naruto squirm and moan, his eyes closed as his hand held onto his. He licked his ear for the sake of just doing the action but it seemed to be a pleasure point for Naruto as the blonde shuddered visibly.

Just watching Naruto, just touching him so intimately made him hard. The fact Naruto's entrance was right on his hardening member was another bullet for this train going off the rails. They began frothing on each other, Shikamaru opening their legs to give more leverage, Naruto gripped the mirror sides as he pushed against Shikamaru's cock. The Nara humped him hungrily, his touch becoming greedier. The mirror fogged up with Naruto's breath as he tried to keep his drool inside but failed as a slow drip began.

"You look so good like this, look at what you're responsible for," Shikamaru panted at his ear, Naruto tilted his head to allow the other to kiss him there.

"Shika, it feels good. Please just keep it like this, just make me come please," Naruto breathed as he felt the sweat slide down his face. "I'm so close, so, so close."

His pathetic moans made Shikamaru weak, which made his cock get harder. He could feel the wetness between his shorts as it stained Naruto's. How disgusting, they were humping in front of the mirror, Shikamaru hunching over Naruto, a delicate boy which angelic blue eyes that were clouded with lechery. His moans got higher, the blonde crumbling under his hands as he came, blotching the insides of his shorts.

Shikamaru followed shortly, the blonde shuddering as he felt the heat of Shikamaru's semen on his ass. As they both lay on the ground, panting and holding hands Naruto voiced his desire. "I want it inside me."

"Soon, trust me," Shikamaru promised.

Naruto climbed into his arms, clinging to him with a smile on his face. "Am I being greedy?"

"Not at all, I want this as well Naruto don't forget that baby," Shikamaru reassured as he kissed him again sweetly. "I'm happy we're together with this, with our love."

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