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"Naruto this is Temari, the girl I've been telling you about."

Naruto heard behind him as he closed his locker, he pushed one of his stray crimson locks behind his ear before turning to greet his best friend and his new girlfriend. Upon seeing her Naruto had already devised a way to get her out of their circle. He pulled on a charming smile at her and shook her hand. "Hey Temari.....," He trailed off wanting to know her last name but he already knew it.

Because he had dated her younger brother Gaara Subaku. Kind male, too nice for Naruto's cruel heart to bear.

"Subaku," She informed with a charming smile.

"I don't think I've ever seen you walk our halls before unless your upper or lower?" Naruto cocked his head to the side with a cheeky grin.

"I'm an upperclassman, running for School President this year and that's when I met this lazy charmer," She held back Shikamaru's hand after pulling away. "Had him keep it a secret for a while but seems he already told you."

"Shikamaru can't keep anything from me, we've been around each other since toddler days," Naruto laughed as he pulled one of the colorful scrunchies off his wrist to tie his hair up in a messy bun, this did nothing other than making several loose bangs fall beautifully over his face. He huffed as if troubled with the result but couldn't be bothered to do anything. "Well you make a cute couple, keep him in line when I'm not around, gods know he needs another babysitter other than me."

"I'm not that troublesome," Shikamaru protested weakly as he naturally took his tall frame to stand behind Naruto and fix his bun so the bangs didn't fall in his face. Naruto smiled internally, he was the center of Shikamaru's world. Always have been and always will be. Just needed to rub it into another girl's face. If Naruto was predicting correctly then Sakura and the band of other past girlfriends Shikamaru had brought to him will make Temari be aware of her new situation.

Her troublesome situation.


"Just warning you from now Subaku break it off with him," Ino chastised as she filed her nails. "There's only so much one can stand from Naruto's treatment before they cave into him."

"I don't understand why you're all cornering me and saying such things about such a kind person." Temari didn't know the truth, the unspoken truth about the middle-class man. Only they knew Naruto's true personality, to the upper and lower classes the crimson-haired, feminine-wearing, happy-go-lucky male was a pure angel. Well, Shikamaru thought he was an Angel too.

They didn't see the savage Naruto could be, how cruel he was when he became determined to do something that goes in both his and Shikamaru's favor. The only thing separating Naruto from those Yandere girls you hear about in the news was the dead body count. Naruto wasn't stupid to risk jail time over an insignificant piece of shit that Shikamaru so happened to like at the time. He would slowly roast you over blue flames and watch you squirm as you try to be brave and say you're willing to take everything he has to throw at you for being with Shikamaru.

"Look at us Subaku, we all liked and were approached by Shikamaru at one point or the other. What happened to our relationship? Naruto happened. No matter what it might be, just when you think you have Shikamaru in your palm, Naruto comes and yanks him out. And here's the good part, Shikamaru doesn't mind it." TenTen scoffed as she sat in the grass.

"Shikamaru says he isn't wrapped around Naruto's finger but just looking at their relationship you can see that that isn't true. Naruto has a nasty trend to find dirt on all of us and show it to Shikamaru and it gets results, believe me. It gets results," Sakura murmured with an uncomfortable shiver.

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