Family Omega

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The quiet clacking of Shogi pieces could be heard through out the house as the two men played by the side entrance of the house. It was wide open allowing the early evening air to flow through the house that was beginning to smell like roast. Both males were both alphas and at times you could see their nose flare when the scent of their omega wafted amongst the food. Their ears perked up when they could hear quiet laughter along with muffled voices talking. Seems he was having a conversation on the phone but who the hell had the nerve to call their omega after 4pm.

The incessant laughing from him, while melodious was slowly annoying them seeing as it wasn't them making him laugh. Shikamaru slammed a piece on the board which made it crack slightly and Shikaku decided he should kindly tell Naruto to stop riling up the younger alpha. "I'll be back." He got up and walked over to the kitchen. He may the calmer one of the two but that's because he has had experience with his former omega.


Sadly Yoshino couldn't comply with the standards required of his clan when Shikamaru had presented as an alpha. As a teen presented as an alpha he was therefore eligible to partake in sexual activities alongside his father, they now shared a mate. Yoshino detested the idea of her son having sex with her banished herself from the clan.

The two alphas couldn't fathom why she was so against it. It wasn't just a tradition of the Nara clan but for every other clan in the Hidden Leaf. Outsiders marrying into the clan were expected to follow these traditions. Sadly she left and left the Leaf as well. Now two unsated alpha were left to satisfy themselves on their ruts until someone caught their eye. A new citizen of the Leaf, one with exotic features that dwelled in a small apartment in the upper parts of Konoha.

They stalked him like prey and it didn't help with that sweet chocolate, sugary scent that drowned them whenever they got close enough. Shikamaru was the one to approach him and invite him on a home date. The male omega, Naruto accepted with a slight blush when he heard it was Shikamaru and his father who were asking him to go out. The alphas cooked and dined with the blond who lit up the entire room with a smile. He was happy to be living here after moving from the Land of Whirlpools.

They talked for hours on end until the blond finally asked what's going on. "I'm used to going on dates with alphas who find me beautiful but why are two of you approaching me. Your father and son." They both growled knowing he was actively dating others but felt their heart sink a bit when Naruto judged them for asking him out as a duo.

"I think he needs an explanation Shikamaru." Shikaku had said before he explained how clans worked within the Leaf. Naruto kept a blank face throughout the entire explanation and by the end the blond ran out.

They thought they had lost him and for the next two weeks that's how they were thinking until Naruto came back. He was nervous and he explained that it wasn't the act of being sexual with them that scared him it was the fact that he couldn't give them a child to raise in their customs.

"I don't have a problem with your ways. I know how it feels to be judged by others trust me but I can't offer you two another child so that's why I ran out. I couldn't give you anything or contribute to this family." When they had heard his they asked why he couldn't give a child and the response chilled them.

"Well back in Whirlpools I was whored by my father. One of the clients were kind enough to smuggle me out when we had a session together at his place. To keep me from being out of commission I was neutered as soon as I presented. Started out innocent you know, 'Naruto my friend likes you how about you spend the day with him'. Then it just got worse, until I was raped, over and over and over. Rinse and repeat, day in and day out. If I was in heat then the price doubled. In a way I was glad I was neutered, wouldn't have wanted any of the bastards to have a child in me." He looked over at them with a slight smile as his face was drenched with tears.

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