This Song Is About You

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Requested by:PhatBabe

Naruto angrily threw his phone at the wall when he heard it. Shikamaru had no right! He was the famous one, Naruto just wanted to spend more time with him. 'That was a mistake,' Naruto thought bitterly. He's canceled shows and recording sessions for Shikamaru, which is what he thought of him. Now the whole world was looking back on their relationship and concluding. 

He laughed a bit. "Fine, you want to go this way. I'll drag you to the court of public opinion and ruin your career." 

Naruto was a celebrity with no scandals. Shikamaru's diss on their relationship would be the first. It made his blood boil. He overturned his vanity, spilling the expensive makeup everywhere. The commotion caused his closest friends Hinata and Sakura to rush in and see the mess Naruto was making. They quickly subdued him as they were his bodyguards and tried to calm him down. 

"Naruto I know you're upset but you have to plan this strategically or your reputation will be marred," Sakura cupped his cheeks as the blonde started crying. "Come on you white lotus do what you do best." 

The two girls hugged Naruto who was angrily digging his nails in the carpet but they weren't wrong. He was thinking and things were starting to fall into place. He wanted to go live and throw all the shit at Shikamaru but that wasn't Naruto's style of PR and Damage Control. No. He would do things the Naruto way. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. 

"That's right in and out," Hinata murmured as she stroked his back. 

"I'm back in control," Naruto murmured, his eyes snapped open and they were livid. "I need to get on the phone." 

"You smashed it in your rage," Sakura looked over at the dent in the wall that still had the phone sitting out. "We'll get you a new one you just have your laptop." 

Naruto nodded and stood up to get around his desk and open to his Twitter. Rolling his shoulders he categorized his plans. It was unfortunate, he thought he and Shikamaru could part on neutral terms but if he was going to slander then fine. 

Let's slander. 

Naruto scrolled through his several alt accounts, trying to find the perfect one to start his campaign. He finally landed on one, the alt account of a person who is highly critical of celebrity lyrics and the shade-tossing they love to do. Right now it was only smoke that the song was about him as he was Shikamaru's last partner. But the fire was coming and what better way to avoid the fire than starting it yourself and putting it out? 

In 15 minutes he typed out a tweet ripping apart the song and ultimately blaming himself and Temari Subaku. Saying it was a toss-up as they were the recent exes of Shikamaru. He posted it and then moved to a next alt account used for mainly exposing the sexual escapades of celebrities. He opened a folder on his computer sorted by Temari's name picked out a slightly blurred sex tape between her and Shikamaru and then argued afterward.

Naruto tilted his head to the side slightly and wondered if it was enough to insinuate that Temari was breaking Shikamaru down mentally. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If anything I have more stuff that I can splice together." 

He uploaded it after altering the timestamps just a few months ago when Shikamaru announced he was making a new album. The one currently out. "That should ignite Temari's rage at being dragged in but sorry Mari-chan we have to have casualties because I won't be played with. You guys did have a playful relationship. On and Off, friends with benefits, officially together, breaking up. You're the perfect candidate to take this heat for me especially since you went on a mental health retreat shortly after your last blow-up with Shikamaru." 


"Naruto's working his fucking magic again," Shikamaru as he saw Temari getting burned at the stake. He had his legs folded as he scrolled through Twitter. He felt a choking sensation when he went to clarify that the song was about Naruto. It was so powerful he stopped himself. He wondered how Naruto did it. 

How could that blonde angel have such a twisted personality? Naruto was heavenly in appearance but those beautiful blue eyes had a mind behind it that was calculating every interaction. Naruto was a master of social media, he's always been chronically online since young, dreaming of being under a spotlight. But he was smart, he wasn't a dumb blonde, he took his career seriously and anyone in his way would be torn down and discarded never to be seen again under the spotlight. 

When he wrote that song it was in response to Naruto's request for Shikamaru to make a song about him. A sign of love, a declaration of his devotion to Naruto. Naruto didn't love him, Shikamaru was just an accessory to let Naruto appear attainable. Naruto seduced him with a meek appearance, he made Shikamaru feel like he was the one with bigger fame and Naruto was just a fanboy. 

Naruto knew everything about him, he made it so that Shikamaru couldn't be unpredictable in his eyes but Shikamaru had one moment. That song was his unpredictable moment. He wondered how Naruto reacted at that moment when it went live and started picking up traction. His mask must have cracked. 

It had to have cracked. 

So why were so many people piling on that it was Temari and not Naruto? He pulled on his hair in frustration. He just wanted to stain that perfect image, to show that Naruto had flaws but Naruto has spent years curating himself, grooming himself to such an image that he had a cult following. He was an ethereal beauty who was so kind and humble that people were dragging Shikamaru's fans for even insinuating that Naruto was a bad partner. 

'Naruto canceled concerts for Shikamaru!' 

'Naruto delayed albums for Shikamaru!'

'Naruto took care of Shikamaru's family!' 

Yes, all of that was true but it was just reputation-building. Naruto viewed it as a part of his image building because back then Shikamaru was just starting in the industry. Those gifts came with expectations, bending to Naruto's will, he was Naruto's toy. He curled up crying because he wanted to speak out but he couldn't. It was already going astray, the song was out, and he couldn't pull it back. 

'I was an idiot to think I could compete with Naruto.' He thought darkly. 

His phone started ringing and he answered without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" He tried to keep his voice steady but it shattered when he heard the bubbly voice of Naruto. 

Naruto sounded happy but Shikamaru knew Naruto was smirking on the other line. "I won't lie you surprised me Shikamaru," The blonde giggled. "It was fun. I passed the torch to Temari though. How dare she abuse you right?" 

Shikamaru shuddered and Naruto's smirk got wider. "You'll see my statement about it in the next 2 hours. Any more tricks? Or was that song your only trick?" 

"You're nothing but a demonic monster in human skin. You toyed with my parents, threatening to snub out their lives over a minor argument!" Shikamaru snapped. 

"I own the hospital," Naruto stated. "It would be horrific if the elderly ward suffered from a gas leak and caught ablaze." 

Shikamaru clamped his mouth shut listening to Naruto chuckle. 

"All you have to do is confirm the song is about Temari," Naruto's voice was now softer, sweeter, like lying in clouds. But it snatched his throat at the next words. "You're still useful Shikamaru. I'll include in the statement that we talked, about that I reassured you that no one will be accepting of Temari until she apologizes and makes up for her abusive actions." 

"You're insane," Shikamaru clenched his teeth tighter. 

"But this is the only way to share the spotlight," Naruto cooed. "After all for such a musical prodigy tastes so much money abject poverty sounds like hell. I brought you up when you were playing in no-name bars and I'll put you below even that. I'll make you homeless so play along and shut your mouth. I have plans for you." 

Shikamaru hung up and flung his phone across the room. 

A/N- Based on the song 'This Song Is About You' by Olly Murs

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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