Realistic Art

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Growing up Shikamaru was always talking to someone, someone nobody could see physically but you could certainly see through the numerous drawings that littered the walls of his room. It was an obsession really, he crafted the character piece by piece. Molding it to perfection and ensuring they never strayed from his intended vision. He created a backstory for his character, his best friend and over the years his character and friend grew into the mold of his lover. Shikamaru would hold the criteria of his character to all his future partners and would be disappointed when they broke the mold the character was built in. He isolated himself, sticking only to his fictional lover. His parents called him crazy but he didn't care.

His lover would comfort him, give him peace when they slept at night, and even brought him pleasure when he touched himself to his lover's naughty paintings. He was deeply entrenched in this fantasy and he dearly wished his character could come to life. That he would rise from the canvas and crawl towards him in a provocative manner. His character was one person in a series of paintings. His character was Naruto Uzumaki, he's been with Naruto ever since he could hold a pencil. Naruto was always there for him. He just wished Naruto could rise from the paintings. He knew it was rather stupid to pray to the gods for them to bring Naruto to life but he was truly Shikamaru's ideal partner, Shikamaru had crafted him to his tastes.

One day he would get his wish, it seemed the house he lived in was built on the graves of witches from the olden days. The remnants of magic in the soil heard his call and fulfilled his wish. Shikamaru came home to the latest version of Naruto being a perfect male housewife. He was dazzling in his casual wear and even had the same ring as Shikamaru on his married finger. Shikamaru was stunned, thinking he had finally broken the pressure plate in his mind when Naruto giggled. It was just as he had envisioned. Just as beautiful and light. The blonde rushed over to him, his small stature making Shikamaru's heart clench. 'Just like I had imagined.'

He couldn't believe what he was seeing and decided that if this was how he went out then it was fine. He was content. He could touch Naruto and the blonde was eager to please. Shikamaru ignored dinner in favor of kissing his ideal lover. His small pink lips were so sweet, his little tongue was clumsy but so cute when they wrestled. He listened to his husband's pretty moans, his mouth panting as he looked up at him. "Shikamaru's loved me for so long," Naruto's gaze filled with love for the man in front of him. "Now I get to love Shikamaru for the rest of our lives."

Shikamaru broke down at those words. Even if it was a hallucination, he loved every minute of it. After dinner as Shikamaru got ready for bed, Naruto stepped into the room, this time in lacy lingerie that Shikamaru had drawn him in. He really didn't leave it to the imagination. Something about watching his own creation in motion made him aroused. Naruto crawled into his lap and while they shared slow deep kisses Shikamaru snapped. He made love to Naruto that night, all those years of built-up sexual tension doused Naruto in Shikamaru's semen. It was hysterical as Naruto gave himself completely. Getting him on his knees, his legs spread with semen oozing was mind-bending to the aggressive Shikamaru. Naruto on his back was beautiful too, he had those blue eyes shimmering with tears of pleasure that always made Shikamaru offload inside him.

It went on for days, only stopping so Naruto could cook and empty his entrance of semen. When Shikamaru had finally gotten it out of his system, finally getting his sense back he began to date Naruto. It was a miracle Naruto could go beyond the confines of the home. Of course while on days Shikamaru explored voyeurism with the blonde as well. Enjoying the fact that his detailed character outline of the blonde's traits was coming full circle. Watching the blonde get off on his own in public made him fuck him on one too many dates. Naruto didn't seem displeased, if anything he was just as insatiable. Truly Shikamaru's ideal partner.

Some days were spent in marital bliss, Naruto becoming a homemaker while Shikamaru brought in the money. Naruto seemed to have a keen eye for details and slowly Shikamaru watched his house become a home. Of course, with all these things coming up they wanted to add to their family. They wanted a baby, Naruto having expressed an interest in wanting to be a motherly husband and father. Shikamaru accepted it and made a mental check off in his mind that Naruto's traits lined up with what he wrote on paper all those years ago. He was such a submissive husband and when they brought home the baby Naruto became even more submissive. He would dote on both men, taking care of them to the fullest and never once bitter like others in Naruto's situation.

They named their baby Shikadai and Naruto was enamored by him. "He's so beautiful, we'll give you a good life."

Shikadai grew up with a whimsical Papa and a Strict Father. He obviously favored his Papa but could always run to his father for advice as he grew up. Naruto and Shikamaru took on two more children as Shikadai turned 12. They got Boruto, who looked eerily like Naruto, and also a quiet one named Neji. All three children grew into wonderful adults by the time Shikamaru retired so he could spend all his time with Naruto. Their golden days were filled with many travels across the world and being the favorite grandparents when their sons married others. One night after Naruto was settling for bed by combing his hair Shikamaru looked over at him. Naruto still looked the same as he did the day he crawled out of the painting. He guessed that was his fault, he never drew Naruto aging.

"Shikamaru, you're staring," Naruto chided softly. "What's wrong?"

"You still look the same as that day. Still the same beautiful Naruto that crawled out of the painting," Shikamaru mumbled. "When I die will you watch over our children?"

Naruto got into bed and hugged his husband. "That would be impossible. When you go I go and that's how we live Shikamaru. I am the creation of you so, of course, I go with you."

"So I'll have you follow me into the afterlife?"

Naruto chuckled as he listened to Shikamaru's breaths get shallower. "Rest darling, I'll be with you."

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