A Series of Events

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Naruto had to admit that his life right now was a bit of a story. These things that were happening are literally plots pulled from the leaves of an e-book on a fanfiction writing site. What was this world he was living in; was he being watched from above by a fan base that was either cheering him on or tossing even more plot twists in his life? He was often a bit sad as a kid growing up, sure he naturally fitted into friend groups but that didn't mean he was cured of the emptiness he felt inside at times when he saw happy couples. He quickly realized that he wanted to be one of those couples.

He was born beautiful so it wasn't like he struggled to get male attention but he wanted someone to give him a cheesy confession under a Sakura Tree or go out on typical dates and treat him like a princess. Was that wrong? He has experienced some things that made him upset about his beauty but ultimately it was their way of taking their insecurities out on him. He made sure to fight back afterward. And in the midst of this, he met a boy from another private school. His name was Shikadai. He was extremely polite and a bit shy around him but he did treat him like a Princess.

They started out as friends for months, enjoying the joys of the city as they went on mini adventures and soon Shikadai asked him out and they began dating. Naruto loved to bully his tall lover since it was Shikadai's first time dating a boy and one so eccentric as Naruto. But that was the thing he liked about Naruto, that he was an oddity. This was the blonde who was fond of wearing the girl's uniform, dropping kicking assholes when they whistled at him. This was the blonde who was fond of shopping for others and gifting presents at random times. He was in love with Naruto and he firmly believed that Naruto felt the same.

Naruto's parents were always traveling but when they met Shikadai for the first time they were ecstatic that Naruto found someone he could rely on when they were gone doing business. They coddled the Nara and Kushina made a point of always making his favorite when he came over for any meal. Shikadai's parents were less than stellar when meeting Naruto, it would appear that his foreign features made them think he was the typical gold digger and didn't hide their displeasure from Shikadai.

"Mr. and Mrs. Nara rest assured I am far wealthier than you could ever dream of being. I am the son of Minato Namikaze, CO-CEO of Namikaze Empires," Naruto's expression was cold and he dismissed himself from the table leaving Shikadai to scold his parents.

"I'm sorry for my parents!" Shikadai bowed his head as he apologized to his blonde lover. "I had no idea they thought this of you and I'm sorry you were received so poorly. I'll make it up to you-" He was cut off by Naruto hugging him. The blonde buried his head in Shikadai's chest as his shoulders shook with sobs. Shikadai immediately felt rage directed towards his parents but he hid it to comfort his wonderful boyfriend.

They dated for an entire year before trouble started up again. Shikadai had visited the blonde's school with roses on Valentine's Day. He came with flowers, chocolates, earrings, a necklace and a pinkie ring that was obviously a diamond. The friends' Naruto had been stunned to realize that this entire time their love interest was dating a boy from another school. Naruto introduced them to Shikadai Nara. "I didn't want to tell you guys until we reached a major milestone."

This started a chain of confessions and sabotages.

'Where was this when I was alone? Where was this when I lamented that I wanted to be with someone who would cherish me? I know you guys; you guys are so sweet so why didn't you say anything when I was single?' These were the thoughts he had as he rejected each and every one of the confessions. Jealously was an ugly thing and Naruto started to distance himself as a way for his friends to cope with their bruised feelings.

He did however put them in their place when Shikadai complained about them harassing him on his online profiles. Now that made Naruto upset and he lashed out at all of them. They kept offering Shikadai money to break up with him and when that didn't work, they settled for threatening him which made Shikadai upset to the point he hired men to beat the shit out of them. Naruto reacted just as anybody would. He laughed and transferred to Shikadai's school to get away from the toxic environment. He still kept in contact with Shino however as he was the only one who took his rejection gracefully and apologized for even confessing when the blonde was in a relationship.

"Shino's always the sweetheart, I would date him if we weren't together," Naruto admitted when he told Shikadai. Shikadai being a possessive man took that personally. He kissed the blonde aggressively as they collapsed on the blonde's bed. They had never done penetration and Shikadai was a kind man who wanted to do it right instead of on in a lust-jealous haze. He settled between his legs and pushed his skirt up and grasped his thick thighs. He kissed down the blonde's neck and pulled the buttons with his teeth, he suckled on his nipples as he pushed his panties aside from under his skirt to slip his fingers inside him.

"Shikadai~ Stop," Naruto moaned as the Nara fingered him.

" But you're clenching down on me. I'm a jealous man Naruto, don't ever say such a sweet thing about another man that could steal you away," Shikadai murmured in his ear as he licked the shell. Naruto flushed and cried out as Shikadai stroked on his prostate. Shikadai pleased Naruto to a climax and enjoyed his beautiful expressions. "I can't wait to take you completely."

The second attempt at dinner with Shikadai's parents went surprisingly well, they were apologetic and treated him like a human being instead of an unwanted stereotype. In a few years, Shikadai and Naruto stuck together, traveling with the blonde's parents as an engagement party trip. They would wed soon after they landed back in Japan and live in relative peace.

"What are you thinking about?" Shikadai asked as he watched Naruto walk around their bedroom in a daze. He was on the bed checking stocks before getting ready for the night ahead. Naruto was in a sheer nightgown as he pulled back his side of the bed to get in.

"High School," Naruto answered honestly. Shikadai paused his investing momentum, he looked over at the blonde who was pulling his hair up into a messy bun. "What?"

"What about high school?"

Naruto smirked at him. "Thinking about Shino Aburame," He teased, Shikadai's eyes darkened and a jealous streak flared in his eyes.

"Are you serious?" Shikadai asked as he snatched one of Naruto's legs and dragged him closer. Naruto laughed as he got laid out on the bed.

"Oh, shut and come here," Shikadai muttered as he tried taking off the lacey robe.

"Oi, go easy on me. I was joking, just joking!"

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