Final Straw

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"I can't do this," Shikamaru clenched his fists as his entire body trembled with rage and disbelief. "Are you blind?!"

Naruto flinched away from his best friend in shock which only made his body ache from his wounds. One of his eyes was swollen shut and his shoulders were covered in bruises. His neck was decorated in fingerprints and his thighs had impossible gashes. "Shikamaru it's fine, he was just a bit angry, you know how Sasuke can be."

"No I don't why are you enduring this, he's abusing you. This isn't how you treat someone you love!" Shikamaru screamed at him. "No one could ever lay a wrong hand on someone they claim to love their heart won't allow it. Look at you, look at how you've become."

Naruto looked away as tears piled up in his only available eye. "You wouldn't understand, you aren't in a relationship, especially not a long-term one. We eventually have a few rough patches to work through."

"Bullshit! You don't wear your pretty outfits anymore."

"Because Sasuke's easily jealous," Naruto defended.

"You flinch every time a door opens and closes. You don't eat as often as you should, don't think I haven't seen your decrease in weight. Your anxiety is through the roof because the asshole doesn't want you to take your medication. You don't sleep anymore, your hair has lost its shine, and your eyes are dull. And on top of that Sasuke has been putting a rift between us and you know it. He knows what he's doing to you, you're the only one that's being fooled."

Naruto bit his chapped lips that were raw from nights he spent chewing on them for comfort. Shikamaru sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "I don't think I can keep doing this Naruto. I'm the only one who still has hope but there's only so much I can take."

"What are you talking about?" Naruto started crying softly despite the immense pain it placed his body through.

"You have no friends, I'm the only one keeping contact with you but I don't think I can go on like this. They all pulled out when you're in need but I'm starting to see why, it's hopeless with you. You're so sucked into Sasuke you can't see he's going to kill you one day. You never had a scar on your body growing up and now you're full of them. He's ruining you and I can't stay to see it go down especially when you're fine with it."

Shikamaru turned away from him and yanked on his ponytail, Naruto moved forward and held onto his arm but Shikamaru flinched away. "Don't fucking touch me, I can't. Every time I touch you it's to fix his damage. I'm tired of smelling blood in the bathroom for weeks. I'm tired of dreading seeing you at my door in the dead of night whenever I come home from night shifts. I'm tired of you crying, defending him, loving him."

"He's the only one who loves me, no one wants me," Naruto said looking at his feet dejected. Shikamaru snapped, it was the straw that broke the camel's back for him.

"I love you!" He screamed, Naruto jumped and stared at him with his only useful eye. "I've been in love with you for years. Why do you think I'm still here? Why do you think I subject myself to this when everyone else keeps telling me to leave you alone?! I could've left, I could've been in America pursuing my career but I stayed for you! Fuck Naruto you don't know how much this hurts me. You're in physical pain but seeing you like this puts me in emotional pain! I would never treat you like this, my heart would never allow me to. I'm tired of this, stop it just leave him already!"

It was the first time Naruto saw Shikamaru tear himself apart into tears. For as long as he knew the other he never cried. No matter how detrimental the situation Shikamaru was the voice of reason. To see him so vulnerable, so raw, so open with his emotions was what got through the fog, and for the first time, Naruto felt the pain of his injuries. The sting of the gashes from the knife Sasuke used to the throbbing of his eye where the other had clawed at him as he tried to run away.

"I'm so sorry, I'm ready. Shikamaru please one last time, help me," Naruto carefully dropped to the floor to reach out to the hysterical Nara who had locked eyes with him. His gaze had a note of finality and Naruto knew Shikamaru had one foot out the door but was still holding on. Naruto wouldn't fail him this time. He couldn't, he wouldn't.


"How are you feeling today Naruto?" His therapist asked, the blonde was grinning. She could tell that he was over the moon about something.

"It's been what 6 months since I walked into your office?" Naruto asked with a giddy grin.

"Yes Naruto, you arrived in bruises with your heart still on your sleeve. Battered but still beating," She confirmed, she had an inkling as to what was coming since he had stopped next month's payment. She felt this was her greatest success story, he was in a much better place.

"I'm a clean bill of health, all my injuries are gone, and I'm back on my medicine. Filed a restraining order and I'm not alone anymore. I can wear my pretty outfits without feeling self-conscious. I no longer flinch when the door opens and closes and I sleep in peace. I'm safe now and that's partly thanks to you," Naruto smiled at her gratefully, she grinned in return but her thoughts trailed to the male who often dropped him off every session. It was clear he was the one giving the blonde top treatment, she wasn't cheap.

"I'm guessing things are on the horizon since it seems to be our last session?" She chuckled when the other nodded enthusiastically. "Do tell? What's in store for Naruto Uzumaki now?"

"Well I'm moving to America next week, I'm comfortable with my life now and my beloved takes care of me. I was holding him back because I couldn't see that I was trapped in such a horrible situation with the Uchiha. He stayed for me, he believed in me and now it's my turn to stay for him, to believe in him. We have dreams together, a happy future that I can't wait to come true," Naruto was beaming now and the therapist wondered if someone could truly be that happy after such an ordeal. But she analyzed his smile and found no false emotion, he was truly that happy, and that made her happy.

"I'm happy Naruto, you deserve the best after this and that man who picks and drops you off seems to be the source."

"Yeah, Shikamaru's the greatest."

They continued talking things out, the little worries Naruto had and the pre-travel nerves he had developed. "Can you speak English?"

"Fluently always took to it naturally, I just don't know what to expect but as long as Shikamaru's there then I don't mind the journey or what we might face. I'm ready to close this chapter, I'm ready to be with him wholeheartedly. It's cheesy but he's my knight, my real knight," Naruto was melting in a pool of love at the thought but was snapped out when the timer went off signaling the end of their session.

"Well, that seems to be us. I'm happy for you Naruto, you've come a long way from the broken mess you were and now I see how vibrant you used to be. I'm glad I played a part in bringing it back to full force. Never change Naruto, be vibrant. Do what makes you happy and I promise you'll never slip."

"Thank you (Y/N)," He grinned and headed out with a small wave.

Outside Shikamaru was waiting for him, leaning on the hood of the car. Naruto bounded it up and jumped him. Shikamaru held him close with a serene smile on his face. 'His hair is back to its full volume and color, I don't feel his ribs anymore, the bags under his eyes are gone and he's so bright when he smiles like that.'

"Oi Shikamaru are you listening to me?" Naruto leaned up on his toes to plant a kiss on his cheek with a giggle. "Come on I'm hungry and the others are waiting for us."

Two months after the incident that made Naruto see the light, his friends came rushing back ready to rebuild the bridge. They cried hysterically and had so many nights over to air all the pent-up emotions. They healed each other and Naruto realized how much pain they were in as he defended the asshole to his grave. His friends rallied together and encouraged his healing process, whenever Shikamaru wasn't there one of them was ready to pull out their shoulder for him to cry on. It was wonderful and Naruto never knew how isolated he had become, Shikamaru truly saved him.

"And all because you cried for me," Naruto murmured as Shikamaru finally acknowledged him. "Buried in your thoughts?"

"Just marveling at seeing you at your best again. I've missed you so much Naruto," Shikamaru connected their foreheads and they both had painfully wide grins on their faces.

"You aren't the only one, I've missed me too. Thank you Shikamaru," Naruto connected their lips and Shikamaru smiled and pressed his lips against his happily. 

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