Hide and Seek

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"Sir, should we bring them in by force?" One of his men asked as Naruto eyed the monitor they had installed in Shikamaru's apartment. It had taken two months but he had finally found him and their children. His eyes were blank, it seemed Shikamaru had used all the tricks Naruto had taught him about evading capture to evade him. He was angry, his love for the male on the screen had all been turned to hatred. Those were his children, his heirs, and Shikamaru had the gall to run away. He was smart but so incredibly stupid. Anyone in the underworld could pick up on the fact that they were his children. While Boruto and Shikadai were fraternal twins they both had Naruto's eyes. Eyes that are never seen anywhere. Shikaku was the same as well but half his head was blonde.

"Leave them be, I have a plan. For now, all of you pull out," He ordered. "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I'll make you regret that decision. You will crawl back to me."

It would be another 3 years before the plan was set in motion and it all started with his new girlfriend. Naruto was a businessman in the day and a Mafia demon at night. Hence when this new woman started to hang off his arm during public appearances naturally everyone became curious as this mysterious businessman became even more of a mystery. What made it worse was the little girl calling him father.

"Mom why is Daddy saying that they're his wife and child," Shikaku asked, kicking his feet. Shikamaru gripped the front of his outfit as he looked at the photos. Some were innocent, others were not as Naruto would be openly affectionate with her. He was bitter, his hands were no longer soft because he had to work to take care of their three children as opposed to just sitting back and letting Naruto handle finances. He had a comfortable life but for the safety of his children, he gave it up and hid from Naruto, their father. He knew that if found Naruto would drag him by his hair.

It was hard raising three children in such a small space but he thought he was doing the right thing. He was safe the woman and their child were not. But as the weeks went by and with more public appearances nothing went wrong. No one tried to assassinate them, no bomb threats, and not even a child kidnapping. The more Shikamaru watched the more he pointed out to himself that he was an idiot. Naruto had never revealed his face to the public, not their children. Not once, never as he respected Shikamaru's decision to remain in the shadows. Shikamaru was the one being delusional and it was like Naruto was rubbing it in his face by exposing his new family to the public without care.

The universe aligned and nothing happened to them. That made his teeth hurt as they would grind together at night. It wasn't fair. But how was what he did to Naruto any better? The more he sat and reflected the more he realized that he was exposed. Anyone could take one look at the lineup of their children and connect the dots. Naruto's features were unheard of in Japan, if any low-life caught sight of them it could be a ransom situation. He couldn't protect them and what if Naruto had now resented him and his actions of stealing their children away that he denied the ransom and let them die?

He cried about the thought, he thought this was all a cruel punishment. Some part of him had hoped that Naruto would seek him out. Find him and claim him but the opposite happened. He moved on with a woman who was willing to stand by his side proudly without fear and bear him the first of many children. Shikamaru was always scared and hiding away. He brought disaster to his children by moving them from their comfort and thrusting them into the unknown. His chest ached when they complained about the low-quality food, the uncomfortable beds, and the lack of private education. They were born wealthy and had expectations. How could Shikamaru be so cruel as to pull them away from that?

What about the future?

What about college?

They were heirs and Shikamaru forfeited that opportunity by failing under the pressure and running away to comfort his broken ego. He had withered away and the children seeing his state begged for them to go back home. They wanted their father because Naruto was truly a great father, he made lots of time for them, learned their interests, and encouraged them to do all manner of things, catching them when they fell and putting them back on their feet. They wanted their father and seeing him smiling with a new mommy was angry. and child made them confused and Shikamaru saw how his selfish desires were affecting them and he did what he should've done a long time ago.

He brought them home.

He stood in front of Naruto's gate waiting, stood there for about 15 minutes before the gates to the mansion opened to let him inside. Naruto watched them from the security cameras with a dark expression. He opened the front door and welcomed his children home. He had already made plans to get them back on schedule. He left Shikamaru standing on the threshold as he placed his children in bed. Promising to never leave them again, that he would fight Shikamaru tooth and nail. They cried in his arms and Naruto was a bit emotional as well because they were perfect boys, his heirs. They never did anything against his word and obeyed him as a son should.

After placing them to bed he picked a branding rod and placed it in the fire pit that was blazing. He towered over Shikamaru and smacked him. Shikamaru went down hard as Naruto began beating him. "Are you fucking insane! Do you have any idea how much security I had to have in plain sight to watch your ungrateful ass? You use my money, my tactics, and run away with MY children and you dare to show up here now that you're replaced!"

Naruto got up, his body and face bloody as he got the branding iron. "Since you didn't like the way I treated you before let's see if you'd like to be treated as a branded bitch instead of my wife."

Shikamaru's screams echoed in the halls of the mansion as Naruto branded the back of his neck with the Uzumaki clan symbol. "Now get to bed, you know the way," He spat coldly as he went back to his office. Shikamaru couldn't move as he cried his heart out. He knew that by coming back he would be treated the worse by Naruto but he wanted his children safe and happy so he endured.

Over the years Naruto used him as a toy, still keeping him around the public wife and child. They didn't live in the mansion and Shikamaru supposed it was a blessing as he couldn't look this woman and child in the eye without feeling resentment. His children however were happy and healthy. Making strides in their training and education, they had all forgotten the time they were taken from their home. Shikamaru didn't remind them as that would make Naruto and them angry. They had become close to their father.

One night after Naruto had had his fill of pleasure he did something odd that reminded Shikamaru of the Naruto who loved him dearly. The blonde stayed, playing in his hair as they spooned. Shikamaru cried silently as he had missed the Naruto from the past. He had ruined the blonde and he accepted that. "Have you learned your lesson?" Naruto asked.

8 years, he's been Naruto's toy for 8 years. "Yes, yes I've learned my lesson. I'm sorry Naruto, I'm so sorry."

The blonde sighed quietly and kissed the branded mark. "I know you are, I love you Shikamaru so I'm giving you another chance. Don't you ever do this again, if you do I'll kill you. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Shikamaru sobbed openly.

"Good, I'll contact a surgeon tomorrow to remove the mark."

"And the wife and girl?"

"Already dead. They were just props, props to get you to come back."

Shikamaru's eyes widened and a cold sensation covered him. Naruto's cold chuckling rattled him deeply and Shikamaru knew he never had a chance to leave in the first place. Naruto had always been watching him, knowing which buttons to push to garner a response. He played right into his palm.

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