Mayor's Son

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"Naruto I've had enough of you this week!" His father yelled as Naruto walked away from him rolling his eyes.

"Can I go now? Where are my keys?" He asked as he looked around for them in the living room.

"You're grounded you aren't going anywhere," His father informed lining him with a stern glare, Naruto shot one right back.

"I'm 18, the only reason I still live here is that you told everyone in this damn city not to sell me an apartment. That's fucking suspicious if you ask me." Naruto cursed as he stepped around his father to spot his keys on the wall hook. "I'm going, go fuck the bitch you've replaced mom with and enjoy your damn life."

He picked them up jumped into his car and drove off to a secluded area. It all started with a secret path that was in place for him specifically. Taking it would conceal his car from the nosey people around Konoha and bring him absolute peace. Once he pulled into the underground parking lot he took the elevator upstairs. He passed by vague faces but they knew him all too well. He was plastered all over the city in posters with his father for the upcoming celebration of Konoha's prosperity thanks to Daddy dearest.

What daddy dearest didn't know about was his secret. One that he'd like to let out in the open but due to circumstances must bear in silence. After all, in due time they would become public. He hummed as he made his way to their office with a spring in his step. Once he was by the door he swung it wide open and grinned brightly as he was pulled inside. The door locked behind him and he got a face full of his lovers. Father and son who share everything. Even him. Currently, he was being embraced by Shikaku who had taken to planting kisses on his forehead as a gesture of 'Welcome Back'.

Shikamaru had locked the door and embraced him from behind. The heat of both men washed away the cold of the early autumn wind that was picking up. He giggled as he felt Shikamaru's tongue marking him. "Isn't it too early?" Naruto asked, Shikaku hummed planting his leg between his so the blonde could somewhat sit on it to grind. "I know you have a meeting tonight." It fell on deaf ears as he was brought into a kiss by the older male. The younger having started to loosen the blonde's shorts.

"We can get to that later, for now, you're our top priority," Shikaku said as he lowered down to his knees and his son followed suit.

"What are you two doing?" Naruto asked as his face heated up as he covered his mouth. He was shy and it was adorable to the two men. How Naruto managed to swoon and burrow his way into their hearts was completely beyond them but it had a lot to do with a shoot-out.

"Treating our princess, come on spread your legs, I can't get deep if you don't," Shikamaru teased as he pried the blonde's ass cheeks open. Naruto squeaked as a hot wet appendage soaked his entrance. Shikaku didn't even answer and swallowed the blonde down his throat. Naruto's legs buckled slightly under the pleasure but both men held him up. Naruto was left clinging to their heads as he was pulled back and forth by their will.

Back into Shikamaru's tongue.

Forwards into Shikaku's throat.

'They really do make a fine duo both in battle and in bed.' Naruto thought vaguely as his body started unconsciously moving toward their rhythm. His hands pushed his shirt out of the way as he fondled himself moaning unabashedly.

Where did it start?

This shadow love?

About a year ago.


Naruto felt eyes on the back of his head as he vaped in the VIP section of a club. He was underaged but this club was seedy so it didn't matter. He placed two fingers on his lips and started puffing out the smoke in patterns that caught the attention of the males around him. Two, in particular, were right behind him. He had glanced over his shoulder long enough to pinpoint that they were related. Most likely father and son.

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