Red Flash

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"Here's your damn blood money," The host muttered as he dropped a duffle bag at the omega's feet. "Damn, freak." That was the last thing he said before heading out of the underground lot. Leaning against the pillar was a bloody male who gritted his bloodstained teeth. That last alpha did a number on him but he went down just like the others.

He spat out the mouthful of blood before slowly getting up. His crimson hair was dirty but still maintained its healthy glow as it fell around his shoulders and past his hips. This was what he was known for. An omega who got the shortest fucking stick in life who now fights to survive.


He didn't care for anything else other than his next meal and where he would sleep. When walking in broad daylight he would see other omegas giggling to themselves as they went about doing everything they desired while looking as beautiful as possible. At one point he too had a dream where he could do something similar but that went down the drain quickly. It was too innocent for the likes of him. He was destined to like from fight to fight and tear and snap at everyone like the fucking dog he was.

His opponents underestimated him and they paid for it greatly. Underground fighting was not what he aimed for when it came to earning money but it was the quickest way to yield results so he went with it. Soon sponsors poured in for his fights and that brought a slew of potential candidates who wanted to tear him down and/or bed him. He rejected them of course, he would never submit himself to just any alpha.

Another factor came from his reputation as the 'Red Flash'. Mafias, pimps, drug dealers, etc. They wanted him to be a contract worker for them. Even after being rejected, they tried to kidnap him and force him into a branding session. It's disgusting really but Naruto was only looking out for himself and he hasn't heard an offer that would guarantee that he would earn more money than he did now. Or be provided a home to come and sleep in.

He slowly grabbed the bag and headed out of the underground area. Once he made topside he could feel eyes on him and his body naturally tensed. They were always losers who hung around and tried to steal his winnings thinking that he was too weak to fight back but they were in for a dangerous surprise. He clutched the bag and made his way down the street to head back to his shitty apartment in the slums.

A whistle blew out of nowhere and thundering footsteps came rushing at Naruto. It was so sudden and so many large bodies that Naruto found himself being overwhelmed. He tried to fight back, he distinctly knew he threw an alpha over the crowd of bomb-rushing bodies but a prick in the back of his neck made him feel light-headed. 'D-Drugs'

He blacked out.


"Isn't he beautiful," Shikamaru purred as he watched his servants clean and take care of Naruto's wounds.

"He'll be ours soon enough Shikamaru, have patience," His father said while ruffling his hair, Shikamaru grinned and both males headed into what would become Naruto's room should he accept their offer. Shikaku said in an armchair close to Naruto's bed and had his son pulled into his lap.

"After so many years watching and sponsoring I'm a bit impatient Father," Shikamaru pursed his lips as his father caressed his cheek.

"It'll pay off soon enough,"

The servant brought Naruto to the bed to allow him to rest. He was given a thorough bath which made his hair shine in the low lights of the bedroom. He was bandaged up and given the latest health check which showed there were no abnormalities with his biology. "The only thing abnormal is how built his body is, no omega should be packing that much muscle, he no longer has a soft exterior that is normally used to draw in alphas."

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