Family Foursome

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Shikadai always found his family to be beautiful people, well his father's side of the family. He was bewitched by his step-grandmother's golden hair and his grandfather's intelligence and scars lured him in. His father had a feminine aura to him that made him seem delicate despite how hard he pushed Shikadai growing up.

Shikadai knew he inherited his father's likeness but his mother's muscular build. He was taller than his father, much more masculine but he still cowered under his sharp gaze when the time arose. Growing up he found it odd how close his father was to his grandparents. Sure they were his parents, of course, they'd be close but whenever they stayed over for holidays his father would never be in the guest bedroom. In the mornings he would always emerge from his grandparent's bedroom.

As a child, he figured his father was still a child to be sleeping between his parents but as he got older the more he questioned it. It was weird, to say the least, but one thing he knew about his father's side was that they were big fans of comfort. They never did anything that made them uncomfortable, it was the major rule. So he knew his grandparents didn't mind his father sharing a bed with them but he wondered why this odd dynamic existed.

It all came to the surface when he eavesdropped on them one night during Christmas, it wasn't planned. He was just going to the bathroom when he heard the sounds of sex. He was slightly weirded out that his grandparents still had sex but when he looked at them in terms of physically they could pass for their mid-thirties. It wasn't a surprise then that they got up to all sorts of things. But what shocked him was his grandfather praising his father.

It was filled with endearment and he was sure the look on his face would project that as well. He leaned against the door and thanked all in heaven that it was locked. He slid down and listened to them. He listened to his grandmother's pleas, his moans, his whines, and praise. His father was the bottom in all this as he was the one begging for more, begging his mother to go faster and tell his father to choke him. It was all debauched and now that he understood exactly why his father always seemed happy whenever they visited. He was in a relationship with his family a loving one if all the 'I love yous' he's been hearing the past hour have anything to go by.

Truth be told he knew he should be slightly put off by the thought of incest but he didn't care. He was slowly, ever so slowly falling into the fantasy of joining them.


"He's got that look in his eye again," Naruto cooed as he watched Shikadai fight over meat with Shikamaru. "I'm telling you Shikaku, he knows, and judging from how touchy he's being I'm placing a bet that he wants to join."

"Naruto," Shikaku warned.

"No, no hear me out. He's dominant, look at how he teases Shikamaru, it's so cute. Then he began making moves on me, when he kissed me on the cheek now it lingers. Like he's waiting for me to snap and kiss him. And don't tell me you haven't sensed his hunger when it comes to you. You're the top dog and you're telling me he's never given you puppy eyes? Bullshit, I say we bring him in."

"Why did I ever marry you?" Shikaku mumbled as he tried to block out Shikadai's advancements. Of course, he's seen it, he just wants to ignore it. It's his grandbaby!

"Since when did you have a moral compass?" Naruto jabbed with a smile, and Shikaku chuckled.

"Alright fine,"

Naruto smiled and leaned over to press a kiss to his lips. "That makes my cock jump," He replied in his ear.

"I'm sure it does, any sin makes you all hot and bothered," Shikaku grumbled, and Naruto giggled.

"Mhm yes, daddy talk dirty to me."

Shikaku pushed Naruto away as the blonde laughed loudly to catch the attention of the two males who had begun to share their food.

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