Tootsie Roll

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"Didn't ya hear the big earner is coming tonight," Sakura said dusting her face with make-up and applying lipstick at the same time? "Says he got the dough from the bookmaker."

"Ouu he bumped off his last one because he was skimming the dough. Had his boys do him up real nice in the Hokaiddo river," Hinata said as she had her hands out being painted by their style artist.

"Naru-chan heard the boss has a thing for you from my toots who is his right hand," Ino chanted with a sultry smile as she planted a wet one right on the brighter blonde's lips. Naruto smiled a bit at that and had a healthy blush on his face. Despite being the only male flapper dancer in the group he was treated like one of the girls, as he wanted to. Such intimacy was necessary of a flapper dancer, it also helps in touching up each other's lipsticks. They were a family of dancers who loved the glitter and being labeled as the lovers of the mafia men.

It was no secret that they had exclusive protection and why wouldn't they? They were beautiful, influential people who had the grace of a fawn. The only one among them that didn't fit all these categories was the little angel they all protected. Naruto Uzumaki. He was 5ft and wasn't going to move another inch, a delicate body, flexible for a flapper dancer. He was an orphan so he didn't get to go to all the prestigious dancing schools like the others, he was self-taught and they all appreciated his tips and hacks to maintain themselves that the dancing schools didn't teach.

He had a certain rough edge to him, he didn't bear that look of the fully carefree person who was born into wealth, he looked independent despite being dependent on the girls he'd bonded with. But he gained his seat on the team fair and square and they loved him. His long angelic glowing hair with seductive blue eyes, whisker marks make him mischievous in appearance but in truth and in reality, he was just a mess of cuteness and tends to be a bit oblivious. When you looked at him you saw another girl, there was no use correcting anyone, they wouldn't believe him. He was a girl to everyone, a flat-chested girl.

He got over it though and enjoyed his life. Tonight's performance was special, it was the boss's pay night, meaning big tips from the guests. As they all got ready Naruto did the final outfit check.

Last-minute kisses were exchanged before they all made their way to the floor. Out on the floor they all got in position. Before the music started Naruto caught sight of the boss. He was smoking a cigar looking at him like he was some doll. His wild ponytail gave him a dangerous appearance and Naruto got tingles just from his dark eyes raking his body.

"He's got quite the classy chassis doesn't he?" Hinata giggled before she gave a small wave to her toots who were on the left of the boss.

"Who? Yours or the boss?"

"The boss you candy ass, he's gonna be your toots by the end of the night," Hinata gave a knowing smirk.

"Don't crank me up I might just get clutched," Naruto said with a pout and a wave of his hand. "Besides he doesn't know I have the same business as him downstairs."

"Oh he knows, he's been chasing your tail all the same dolly."

As the music started up they fell into place and began their new routine.

Across from them at the big table that was elevated slightly, Shikamaru watched the little toots that had caught his eyes. "Ain't he just a cherry?" He mumbled under his breath as he stared as Naruto's legs swung high overhead. "Just a real knock-out of a babe might get jacketed by the smile alone."

"He's making the boss on the hook, just look at him, swinging his legs so widely might be an easy one too if you are not careful," Kiba said in a snarky tone as he unashamedly eyed the babe that was the blonde.

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