Dating Advice

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There were a few things that could get Naruto to laugh and coo at the same time. Those things were few and far between. It's been a while since he's done it and he knew it was coming when Shikadai came at his door looking completely frazzled. Naruto held back the laughter that was bubbling up and allowed him to come inside.

'They're all really like father and son, all three generations of the damn family.' He clapped his hands and gave a silent laugh as he headed into the kitchen to start cooking. This was a reoccurring trend in the Nara clan. It seemed when everyone had a crush on someone they had to first look like anything but their usual self. They think they're hiding it but really it's just plain obvious.

So he did what he did in the previous two situations. He cooked.

Somehow before a confession, they all ate a whale's worth of food before clenching him tightly before fessing up. Old-fashioned mac and cheese, rice cakes, ramen, dango, mochi, egg rolls, stewed pork etc. Shikadai sat at the table that Naruto slowly filled up with different dishes. When the blond was finished he sat at the table and began to eat his share watching him.

It was honestly a nostalgic vibe. Shikaku had acted this way before he blurted out his love for Naruto once he had invited him on a night scroll to the famed Hokage monuments. It was weird to say the least, just before Shikaku refused to look at Naruto as he downed the food that was on the table before dragging him off to the secluded area. But he smiled and accepted the Nara's feelings and he became happily married and raising his son.

The second time was with a 14 year old Shikamaru, Shikaku had seen the signs and quickly fled upstairs to leave Naruto to handle the baby deer that was overflowing with love for a certain desert rose. Same thing happened minus the moonlit stroll. Shikamaru asked for advice and as the old fashioned romantic Naruto was he planned a date for them. Even cooked the food and sent him on his way with very specific lines to read when confessing.

Temari came at his door to hug him later after the date. It was exactly to her tastes and told him Shikamaru was lucky to have a Mom like him. Naruto laughed at their blushing faces and wished them a happy relationship. And it did turn out wonderful, because here he was now going to do it all over with a 16 year old Shikadai. 'How times have flown' He thought to himself as he dipped his egg in the ramen.

Shikadai's shaky hands moved forward and Naruto noted with his aged shinobi skills that Shikamaru was outside the front door. With silent movements he saw Shikamaru peak around the corner. Naruto raised an eyebrow at him but Shikamaru's eyes widened as he noticed the food and a very familiar posture and hand movements coming from Shikadai. He turned to Naruto and gave a small bow of respect before bolting. 'Just like your dad, your both damn traitors.'

Shikadai was eating and it seemed the food calmed him a little, it was his grandmother's cooking so it was inevitable. He hummed a bit as he went around eating dish after dish. 'Nara men are never too lazy to eat. Never' Naruto thought as he watched his grandbaby inhale all the food while binging on dango. When Shikadai declared himself full he looked over at his grandmother with watery eyes. 'And he's the most sensitive Nara. No that was just me influencing him' Naruto thought a bit to himself.

"Grandma....I have a crush on someone." He started off in a small voice, Naruto's heart gave out a little.

'This was too fucking adorable' Naruto squealed internally as his face gained an insanely wide grin. "So whose the lucky boy?"

Shikadai blushed and looked away nervously. "How did you know it was a boy?"

"Darling when I was growing up it was always a game to spot the difference between gay and straight males and females. I've honed my craft. Besides with shinobi lifestyle you have to be openminded." Naruto said confidently as he looked him in the eye.

"Inojin." Shikadai whispered like it was some S-rank secret. Naruto smiled at him proudly.

"Well with medical technology I'll be getting some great grandbabies in the future." He got up to go phone Ino of the new development and cash in his winning bet. He just got 50,000 dollars richer. Not that he needed it, Shikamaru took great care of his mother.

"Shikadai honey what else I'm sure you didn't make the trip to face me when you think your coughing up something embarrassing. Need a little advice?"

His baby deer nodded and Naruto waved him over and they headed into the living room. Another generation thing with his Nara boys was laying in his lap while taking his advice. Shikaku had done it often when he was stumped on what he should do for a certain mission. Shikamaru did it when he got frustrated at Kakashi and needed to come up with new ways to have Iruka influence him into doing some work. Now he was doing the lap thing with his grand baby.

"Alright my first and most important advice is to confess. If he doesn't like you then you can quickly begin the process of slowly getting over your love. I'll be here with comfort food. Should you get accepted which you will, I'll cook you two food and set you guys up for a date."

"How can you be so positive about this?" Shikadai asked looking up at his grandmother's face. He had aged a bit, now he looked like he was entering his early thirties but with those incredible genes he could still rock saying he was 25. It's not like he could complain really, being in Naruto's proximity made you physically look more youthful.

"Because your reminding me of your father and grandfather." Naruto smirked a bit as his eyes disappeared as it morphed into a smile. "Your all just carbon copies of Shikaku."

Shikdai smiled at him and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the sensation of Naruto combing through his hair. "What should I do for a date."

"Actually I think you'd be better off showing him scenery of your favorite places you like to cloud watch. If I know anything about you Nara folk is that you have little hidey holes where you get the best views of the sky and normally those places are surrounded by beautiful things. Show him your place of comfort, let him know that he's that important to you."

It sounded like Naruto was talking from a place of experience and quickly Shikadai deduced that his grandfather had done the same for the blond judging from the nostalgic expression that overtook his face. There was no more sadness in his eyes when he recalled the happy times because he knew sooner or later they would reunite.

"I'll take your advice, judging from the lovestruck eyes you have I'm guessing Pops did the same for you." Shikadai turned so he could hug his grandmother's torso. Naruto leaned over to hug him.

"Just ask your mom Shikamaru did the same for her during their early dating stages." Was the reply as Shikadai finally caved into the sleep that was dragging him down. 

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