Sexual Advice

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A/N- To recap please check the chapter 'Visitors'. Trust me, I wanted to update Visitors but it's kind of hard when the one leading this story has a life. *Pokes cheek of requester* So glad you posted the plot for the update. So, let's get this one on the road.

"Kami-sama must be so cruel to you," Naruto pitied as he watched his husband sit across from him as he made dinner. Turns out he wasn't going crazy, Shikaku's spirit was tethered to him. He had slowly begun to turn visible to the others around Naruto. Shikamaru screamed when he saw his father standing in the garden. Shikaku couldn't say anything but his actions spoke for him. He smiled and patted his head and Shikamaru broke down into tears. It had opened a lot of buried grief he thought he was over with.

Shikadai's reaction was to be mentally fucked, was his grandmother that favored that they would allow a spirit to wander among the living. Shikaku was amused by the way they looked lined up side by side. He could show up in pictures so Naruto took some for the family album. Shikaku's touch was cold but they could physically touch again, Kurama was ready to heat Naruto up with his chakra so they could engage in hugging and cuddles. Naruto always cried when they touched but it was getting better.

Today was no different, life had settled into normalcy since it's been 5 months since Shikaku showed up back. He was a spirit even if Naruto wanted to get intimate on a bed he couldn't because he didn't have a body, he was a damn spirit. Besides Naruto wanted none of that, he's old, he just wants company since the place often gets lonely without his two boys visiting. Naruto was making a large dinner since Shikadai told him that he and Shikamaru were coming over. He had asked if Temari was coming as well as Inojin but he confirmed that no, it was just them.

Naruto's been a Nara since he was 7 years old when he and Shikaku became besties so he knew when something was coming his way. 'Don't tell me he's gonna be in a poly relationship with ChoCho,' He wondered in agony. 'It's already gonna be a roller coaster just to find some nice caring girls to be surrogates for the future generation.'

His mind didn't go off the deep end as Shikaku snapped his fingers inches away from his face. Naruto playfully scowled at him. "It's your fault they took up your fright and flight mentality when it comes to relationships. Not mine. Yours."

Shikaku shrugged with a playful smirk and Naruto flipped him off before going back to bake his potatoes. Shikaku smiled as he watched his husband cook. He was happy to be back in some way and capacity, he was glad he could hug them, touch them, and bond with them over shogi. He was proud of the man Shikamaru had become; he could do nothing but hold his son as he cried. Shikadai had similarities to both him and Shikamaru and he followed Naruto's style of playing Shogi which made him giddy. Naruto had taught their grandbaby how to play unpredictable Shogi.

Kami-sama was kind enough to let him be with them again, the only drawback being his lack of vocals. He was content, however, as he set the plates for his family, afterward he made his way to his Shogi board and began a one-sided battle. Soon it was time for dinner when the front door slid open to reveal a pained Shikamaru and a nervous Shikadai.

"Go ask your grandmother, I'll be playing with Dad," Shikamaru pushed him towards Naruto who had an annoyed look on his face. Shikamaru gave Naruto a pleading look. "I can't answer his question, you were the one who answered mine."

"Come here, let's eat," Naruto motioned for Shikadai to sit across from him. Shikadai began to eat with a pouty expression as Naruto ruffled his hair with a gentle smile. Shikadai was still that little baby in Naruto's eyes, he didn't even scold the 19-year-old when he picked up food with his fingers, ignoring his chopsticks.

Shikamaru watched his father watch them bond, Shikaku was wearing a gentle smile on his face. "He's been through a lot since you were announced dead," Shikamaru started as Shikaku turned back to him. "He became reclusive, an alcoholic and he would be dead whenever you tried talking to him. It took a lot to get him to this stage. I think Shikadai was the greatest thing to really bring him out of depression. Temari and I were busy so they bonded a lot when he was growing up."

They arranged the board for a new game while Shikamaru informed his father about what Naruto's been up to over the years.

Back at the table, Shikadai was done eating and Naruto cleaned his fingers. Shikadai started off in this soft voice, afraid of his father and grandfather hearing him. "Granny Inojin and I want to take the next time and be intimate. How do I go about that since you and granddad are both men?"

Naruto froze a bit; he tilted his head as he tried to comprehend what the fuck Shikadai just asked him. But he sighed like a patient grandmother and got up. "Follow me, come now."

Shikadai followed behind him quickly and stood on edge as Naruto's blank face gave away nothing. Shikadai was pushed into Naruto's bedroom where the blonde closed the door. "Did I coddle you too much as a kid?"


"How do you not know how to fuck someone?" Naruto's eyes narrowed in disbelief. "Shikadai please tell me you're joking."

"No, I'm genuinely asking," Shikadai started blushing and Naruto didn't have the heart to continue teasing him.

"The things I do because I love you," Naruto murmured as he climbed into bed and crisscross his legs. Naruto took and breath and unloaded on Shikadai. Naruto was amused to see Shikadai's face morph from expression to expression, bordering on horror to wincing in pain. Naruto could detect pity from the other as Naruto was brutally honest in how Inojin would feel being the bottom. He talked about the fucking importance of aftercare because Inojin was a darling and Naruto would not make him endure that shit.

Once he was done, he took a deep breath to rest his tongue. His mind wandered to when he and Shikaku first went at it. He smiled a bit at the memory as Shikaku was clueless and when Naruto corrected him, he could see that the other was jealous.

"How come you know what to do?" Shikaku asked, his eyes flaring in jealousy.

"You didn't think I was a virgin, did you?" Naruto asked, his eyebrows hiking up to his hairline. "Don't patronize me Shikaku I was not going to remain celibate while you fuck your former wife. I want pleasure too."

That night Naruto learned Shikaku was not a gentleman once he knew how to take care of him. And for every other passionate night since then was one that made Naruto lose his mind. He was fucked silly on his husband's giant cock; his thirst quenched each and every time. So many positions, so many places in the home claimed by both of them. 'I miss being so youthful, but I'm content with being the helpful grandmother.'

"I take it you need a shop to purchase supplies, right?" Naruto asked as the horrified look on Shikadai's face melted away. The boy was silent, nodding. "Good, then we'll head out tomorrow. I can't believe your father is still so skittish about sex."

"He said because he wasn't of the orientation he couldn't give proper tips," Shikadai explained and Naruto snorted and sprung up and marched downstairs. Shikadai followed quickly, afraid of what was to come.

"You lair, Shikaku, and I told you about gay sex. Don't lie to Shikadai because you're skittish," Naruto smacked Shikamaru upside his head as Shikaku laughed, well he gave the impression as he threw his head back. It was silent but you could see he was enjoying the show. Shikamaru turned red as he was outed by his mother who was yanking on his ponytail. "If I ever get locked into a room with you, I will murder you for your lies!"

Shikadai started chuckling as well as Naruto began slapping Shikamaru's chest. "How dare you dump your parenting on me! Temari should've been here as well as she is not off the hook."

"Okay, okay!" Shikamaru pleaded. "Mom please!"

'It's good to be back,' Shikaku thought fondly as he watched his family.

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