A Broken Doll

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More Flowers.

And a Note.

Shikaku could feel the goosebumps rise on his skin when he saw them on his apartment doorstep. He trembled as he picked them up, an audible snap of a camera could be heard and he shuddered. He looked around and like always he couldn't see who took the picture. He sighed under his breath and took the items inside with his groceries. He ignored the bouquet and note for preparing dinner. He stepped into his bedroom to clean out the leftover containers from last night's stress eating when he saw the outfit on his bed.

'He's been inside, I've changed the locks three times this month,' Shikaku whimpered as he approached the lingerie on the bed. Another note was laid next to it. Probably another explicit one, he knew this N stalker loved being overly sexual with him. Often describing his body in great detail. He even knew about the mole close to his entrance. He tried to ignore it as he gathered the empty cartons and headed back out to the kitchen.

He ate dinner while he stared at the beautiful bouquet of Jasmines, Snowdrops, and Tulips. He snorted at their meanings. Innocence and Purity for Jasmines and Snowdrops and Perfect Love for the Tulips. This bastard's attention was not loved, not even close. It was an obsession that he wanted to die. It has been 5 months and Shikaku had become reclusive, he had slowly cut contact with friends and what little family he had left simply because this stalker didn't pull punches when he threatened to hurt him close to home if he continued to fuck around with other men.

Shikaku did something he regretted to this day. He had this wonderful guy on his heels. Treating him on expensive dates, wonderful travel spots and when they went to the second base, they had incredible sex. He was on cloud nine to the max. He was so brave that he actually responded to the latest note. The stalker had cameras in his home, watching his every move so he had seen him enjoying himself. So, he told the stalker in the dead of night that he could fuck right off because he's probably a sad lonely fat man who couldn't do shit. He got bold and told him that he couldn't stop him from having the best time of his life and if he could do something then he should come at him and stop him.

At the moment it was exciting and for a few days, no reply came so Shikaku thought he won until he woke up to his boyfriend's corpse in his bed. He screamed so loud that Shikaku was afraid the neighbors would hear, sadly that was not the case. The stalker had made a replica of his apartment in a warehouse and kidnapped him here so he could sleep beside the corpse. He knew from then on, that the man was a powerful one, no news came of his boyfriend, no family, no friends came forward after a month and the only reason Shikaku didn't speak up was that the stalker left a note saying he could pin it on him. He didn't dare scoff at his authority ever again.

So here he was completely alone in this relationship with a crazy person who was obsessed with him. He sighed and fetched the other note from the bed, ignoring the outfit before sitting down and reading both. He honestly doesn't know why he entertains this now, maybe the isolation was getting to him. His hand strayed to the outfit, feeling the expensive material between his fingers. He lamented that should he put it on it would be very comfortable.

He opened the flower note.


Did work go well? I saw Kakashi giving you a hard time at lunch for you not taking care of yourself. You had bags under your eyes, was that because of me? I saw you didn't go to bed until 2 AM. You should sleep more. Are you nervous about me sneaking in? Don't worry I only enter when you aren't there, I wouldn't dare be there when you are. You deserve privacy.

You burn all my other notes before but I notice that you keep them around now. Have I gotten into your heart? Have you gotten soft for me? I see you blush now when you read my explicit notes beside your cute outfits. You should put one on for me. Please, I spend time picking them out, I made sure they're all our favorite material types.

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