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It was the talk of the city. A new tattoo parlor opened up in Konoha and focused on the black and white styling of tattoos. Appointments were out the door as practically the entire city lined up to make a booking. The most refreshing thing had to be the owner of the parlor, he was a tall drink of water with his foreign features. His Japanese accent was so deep and inviting that girls and a few guys couldn't help but swoon.

Shikamaru had passed the parlor shop on more than one occasion onto work but he never took interest. Well not until he accidentally met the owner of the parlor shop. Shikamaru was by default a wallflower, he was an average citizen of Konoha, fitting into the mold despite being the heir to a very lucrative business. His skin was flawless, he followed the rules his parents laid down and what society dictated.

It was a dull life but it was a safe life. Lately however as he grew older and at his 21st birthday party he realized he's never done anything for himself. Never did anything that didn't account for his parent's opinions of him and society's as well. He felt trapped, destined to just walk the straight and narrow. It was a slow descent as he became depressed, it would seem that the more he realized his situation the more he felt unmotivated to continue living if this was going to be his life. He started to question everything around him, the people around him and he slowly withdrew as he realized they were keeping him in this mold. The dull, routine mold hardly veered off the path laid out. He met Naruto at his lowest point, the blonde and him ordering the same thing by pure coincidence.

Shikamaru joked about it and Naruto laughed. They ate lunch together and it was the first break in his life he had. Soon it became a weekly occurrence for both males to tentatively reach out and touch what was going on between them. Sometimes they pressed a bit hard, other times so lightly that the other craved more. Naruto was nine years older than him and something about an older male flirting with him made him a bit giddy. Naruto would always move a bit closer to him in each meeting until they were sitting next to each other. Shikamaru was the one who initiated their first kiss and Naruto being older and much more experienced brought Shikamaru a new world of pleasure, far different than the kisses he had with previous girlfriends.

It was new and exciting and Shikamaru wanted to see where it went. The next break came when Naruto touched him in public, the thought of someone seeing them was a kink the blonde shared with him, and Shikamaru could see the appeal. The more Naruto undressed him in that alleyway the fonder the look in his eyes got. "You don't have a tattoo," Naruto stated as he lifted one of Shikamaru's legs to hang over his shoulder. "Your skin would be the perfect canvas."

"I've never thought about it but I would like one, just a little one," Shikamaru admitted softly as Naruto kissed down his neck.

"Would you let me?" Naruto looked up at him and Shikamaru found himself nodding.

Naruto gave him something sweet as his first tattoo. Shikamaru had given him full rein and had even blindfolded them. The tattoo was on his forearm and when Shikamaru saw it, it was enough to bring him to tears.

"Do you like it? I catered to your personality. My cute Lil bad boy," Naruto kissed his cheek while he waited for Shikamaru's answer.

"I love it, thank you Naruto," Shikamaru gushed as he kissed the blonde who reciprocated. They both moaned as Naruto hovered over him, caging him on the seat as they started to get undressed. 'Fuck, he's going to fuck me in this chair isn't he?'

Yes, yes he did. Naruto was gentle with him all up until he finally got inside him. Shikamaru's eyes teared up as he was impaled but Naruto calmed him down. "It's fine, you're going to feel this is a new sensation baby. Just trust me."

And Shikamaru did, he gave into the blonde and let himself enjoy being fucked in his parlor.

The next break was far too drastic to go unnoticed.

He told his boss to fuck off before walking out. He quit that mind-numbing occupation in favor of having the blonde take care of him. By this time it had been 9 months and underneath Shikamaru's clothing were layers of tattoos. Naruto had begun decorating him like his masterpiece. It was a bonding experience to spend Saturdays in the parlors alone, eating and drinking while doing tattoos. The after-tattoo sex was raw and unhinged, both males becoming delirious with pleasure. Some nights they would go out in public places and do it so loudly that they drew attention to the ones who shared the same kink. They wore face masks so they couldn't be identified and to see them get off to Shikamaru losing his mind made them weak, spilling everything over whatever surface they were fucking against.

His parents weren't happy.

They saw Naruto as a threat, a bad influence. Naruto was everything that was wrong with society in their eyes. Outspoken, vulgar, distasteful habits such as vaping and drugs. Shikaku was livid when he smelt it on Shikamaru and disowned him outright, revoking his birthright to his family grounds and company. Shikamaru laughed in his face, he didn't care, he didn't give a fuck anymore because he felt free. He didn't want to be chained by his family anymore so he left.

His friends were disappointed but they were also corporate drones on their way to an early grave. Watching them try to convince him made him giddy. He did feel a bit of hurt that they couldn't accept his new side but it just goes to show that some friends are just for certain chapters of your life and when the chapter ends, everything ends with them. He wished them good luck in life, wealth, and health in equal measures. But he couldn't follow them down that life, that dark monotonous life.

"Should I be concerned?" Naruto asked one night in the parlor as he sanitized Shikamaru's ears.

"About what?" Shikamaru said as he swung his feet a bit.

"You're about to line your ears with piercings in one sitting," Naruto chuckled. "People are usually scared about one piercing but not you. You're far too eager for the little shots of pain about to ensue," Naruto wrapped his arms around Shikamaru's shoulders and rested his chin on his head.

"I'm fine Naruto, really I am. I just want to see myself with all these piercings," Shikamaru reassured and who was Naruto to deny him any longer? He grabbed the piercing gun and started laying it into his ear. With each piercing, Shikamaru's face would be covered in blush and he would squeeze his thighs together. He was getting aroused from it.

"You fucking freak," Naruto murmured as Shikamaru finally gave in and started moaning. "What kind of kink is this?"

"I don't know but it feels good," Shikamaru tilted his head back and Naruto kissed him, his free hands trailing down his body and into his joggers. Shikamaru turned stiff before melting into the blonde who hurriedly rubbed one out in his clothes. "Naru-Ah!"

He squirted in his clothes his hips thrusting into Naruto's large hand as he rode out his newfound kink. Naruto felt himself throbbing in his jeans. "If this was how you were going to behave I would've been piercing you so much sooner. That was so fucking sexy."

Shikamaru couldn't say anything as his tongue felt heavy in his mouth. He could only bring Naruto back down into another kiss.

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