Mafia Submissives

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There was a weird coffee house in central Japan. Invites only. People from all over Japan who had status whether it be on the side of justice or the seedy underbelly they were all welcomed to that coffee house. You were given a card to swipe at the door that would allow you in. Once inside you got your first drink free for the day. You can enjoy it upstairs in the quaint decor that is, by all means, a regular-looking coffee house or you could go downstairs in the dungeon.

It was a BDSM club that was members only since they didn't want curious eyes in the club seeing as they had high-profile members. Scandals were to avoid at all costs. What was beneath the coffee house was an underground network of rooms designated for different types of play. A small bar area was available every turn and dominants were always ready and willing to engage with anyone interested. It was all healthy, tests were done monthly and if you had an STD you were suspended until you come back with a clean bill of health. Toys were boiled clean in bleached soap water every evening and whips, chains, and other bondage-type equipments were cleansed daily after each play session.

On a particular day in the middle of May, however, a pair of twins came to the coffee house for the first time in months. They were privy to a new face in the house who sat at the far end of the coffee house in a dimly lit corner on their phone. He was short, petite, and dressed in seductive clothing.

They were immediately intrigued as the person in question had bored blue eyes and waist-length blonde and red hair. He was heterochromia, half and half. They had a slight bang overarching on their left side so they were pretty sure he didn't notice them but they were wrong. Naruto noticed them and their demeanor. He chuckled darkly to himself as he admired the submissives. He frowned a bit when he caught sight of Shikaku's scarred face and concluded their line of work had done that to him.

'No matter, he still looks beautiful,' Naruto thought to himself as he knocked back his fourth espresso. He had worked the phone last night and was unbelievably tired but not enough to deny himself some eye candy and potential play partners. He yawned a bit which garnered the attention of both twins and Naruto gestured for them to come forward. Like he was calling a dog to his side.

Shikamaru tilted his head a bit at the gesture and Shikaku felt a spark of hope. They had tried on many occasions to find a dominant who was a bottom but with no such luck. No one could understand why they wanted to be treated in the way they wanted since they were such powerful people. People often wrote them off as dominants and there was a running bet to see who would be their permanent submissive in play.

They avoided anyone on that list who was gunning to be their submissive. They snapped out of it when the dual-haired femboy snapped his fingers impatiently this time with a slightly annoyed look on his face. They got their drinks and immediately went to him. They sat across from him with curious expressions. "I want to play with both of you," A shiver went up to their spine as once bored eyes darkened into something possessive, a slight growl was in his voice as he said those words and both twins knew he was just stating a fact, wasn't even asking for their input.

"Naruto Uzumaki, pleasure is mine."

"Shikaku and this is my twin Shikamaru."

"The famed Nara clan I presume?" They both nodded at his assessment but as Naruto looked them in the eye they began feeling naked like they were being stripped layer by layer until the other felt satisfied. "You must be exhausted? Trust me I get your struggles. It's hard to say I'm dominant without having someone scoff in my face."

A weight they didn't even know they were carrying fell off. They just wanted to find someone who could accept the fact that they were submissive tops. It was hard enough to find a dominant bottom already. "And here I thought you were a submissive," Shikamaru chuckled but it sounded like he was going to cry. He and his twin have been sexually frustrated ever since they found out they wanted to same preference. It was bordering on just accepting the fact that it was just not meant to be.

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