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Naruto felt giddy today since it was his birthday. He was being celebrated at the company and they were all wonderful people who wished him well. But he was especially happy when Shikaku complimented him on his birthday and even got him an expensive gift. Shikaku was the CEO of the company he worked for and they were close friends. Close is an understatement as Naruto had fallen in love with him.

He'd been working there for nearly 5 years at this point and has seen Shikaku at the highest and lowest points of his life. He was enamored with the man's ability to bounce back despite his lazy attitude. He was a genius and Naruto would admit he had a thing for men with intelligence. Since his birthday was on a Friday they went all out for him until it was nearing 10 pm. Naruto had a few in his system but he was nowhere near drunk and could get himself back to his apartment but Shikaku wasn't having it.

He thought it was sweet of the man to take him home in his personal vehicle and even relished in the fact that he might not get this chance again. So with liquor in his blood, he took a chance. A leap really and when Shikaku followed him to the door Naruto leaned against it panting slightly. "You're going to be wasted and in pain tomorrow," Shikaku chuckled at him which made the blonde smile and leaned forward to wrap his arms around the man.

Shikaku accepted the hug until Naruto mumbled something in his chest. Shikaku pushed him back and Naruto looked up at him with startlingly clear eyes. "Can you say that again?" Shikaku asked with a bit of a worried facial expression. Naruto pouted and poked at his chest.

"I love you, I really love you Shikaku," Naruto said softly as he leaned forward to kiss him. Shikaku however held him back.

"I'm sorry Naruto, I can't accept your feelings," Shikaku didn't want to say it but he had to. Naruto was still young in his mid-twenties and had his whole life ahead and here he was crushing on someone in their forties. "You have so many people who would love to be with you and take care of you."

Naruto's eyes welled with tears at the rejection. "But I want your love, did I do something wrong?" He started crying softly and Shikaku could only walk away because he knew if he hugged Naruto he wouldn't let him go.


Naruto spent the entire weekend crying, he didn't know what was wrong, he was sure Shikaku had given signs that he had liked him too. When Monday came he was a wreck but managed to hide it all. He gave a bright smile and did his assigned work but he avoided Shikaku's gaze. If he looked he knew the fragile mask would break.

Shikaku however has been kicking himself all weekend but he knew he did the right thing. He was too old for Naruto. He could only imagine how people would judge the blonde for being with him. It didn't help that his features were a stigma in other countries as a gold digger. He would never subject Naruto to that sort of scrutiny. He was precious and needed someone in his age range to bond with. Shikaku already had one foot in the grave and it wasn't like he was fighting death. He loved Naruto, ever since he started working here he was just a firecracker that boosted morale in the entire team.

It was a wonderful thing to have Naruto but he couldn't chain him down to an old sack of bones like him.

It was currently half time meaning most would be out for lunch, he usually went to the security room to see where he could find his secretary to ask her to order lunch for whoever wanted it when he saw an interaction with Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke was an amazing accountant and worked side by side with Naruto who was a sales marketer. The live feed had audio and he felt his blood boil at the interaction.

"Come on this is the 7th time I'm asking. You can't keep dodging me for your mythical crush," Sasuke slightly whined as he boxed Naruto in. Naruto scowled at the Uchiha before going under his arms. "Come on Naruto I'll treat you right, you've been hanging on for this person and clearly they aren't interested."

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