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Shikadai flinched as he was pushed aside into a locker. He gritted his teeth as he tried to keep his anger under control, it would do no good to bring the wrong light onto his parents. He had to uphold their reputation even if just a little bit. He glared at the children who glared right back at him. "What you gonna run to your mommy?" They teased, and they broke out into laughter when he deflated a bit.

Shikadai knew that he was being bullied solely because he came from more money than them. It was a private school and yes all the parents had the money but Shikadai's had more. It was the source of jealousy because Shikadai could get the best of the best. It wasn't his fault his parents spoiled him. They didn't know his parents were poor when they had him as a baby, how his father had to give up food for himself to feed his mother so he in turn could breastfeed him. They didn't know it was by pure luck that his father's invention had taken off and propelled them into the lap of luxury he had known.

They didn't know and it was frustrating to listen to them backtalk him whenever he pulled out his games during recess or how his parents looked down upon him for being so spoiled, calling his parents horrible for treating him to the finest. 'Like get the fuck out of my face, you have no idea what my parents had to get this far so I could be comfortable.'

He trudged over to his private driver who greeted him with a wide smile. "Hello, Shikadai any big news today?"

"None what's so ever. I just want to go home to Mama," Shikadai responded as he climbed into the back seat and locked himself in. The driver frowned but got in and drove the boy home.


Shikadai was much happier now that he was home. His father was playing with him while Mother cooked dinner downstairs. Despite their busy schedules they always made time for him whenever he needed it. His parents were his best friends and nothing could change that. Inside their penthouse home was filled with pictures. Pictures before he was born even of the happy couple in slightly ragged clothes. Shikadai noted that despite their misfortune they were always happy.

There was even a picture of his father kneeling at his mother's feet with a warm smile on his face as he caressed Shikamaru's stomach it wasn't even showing yet. That picture made him feel warm inside to know that he was wanted despite their poor state and his father's eyes shone with determination. When he asked his father the answer he received made him cry. "Simply because I knew I had to step up my game. I was having you and I wanted you to have everything in the world. It wasn't easy with all the doctor's visits and the government breathing down our necks waiting for a reason to take you when you finally came into the world but it was so worth it when you came into the world. We were poor, we barely had a roof over our heads but I knew I would never let you go, that was the determination I held since I found out about you."

He had decided he would take a necklace of importance to show and tell. The necklace was the only valuable thing his father had back then. It was the necklace he used to propose to Mom. It was a gift from Naruto's godmother when he was a baby before her passing. The necklace wasn't worn by his parents now but it was a centerpiece on his mother's vanity dresser. Placed on a small pedestal.

"Dinner's ready!" Shikamaru called, Naruto and Shikadai broke out into giggling upstairs as they finished another round of Mario Cart. "Dinner's ready!"

Shikamaru from downstairs huffed with a smile as he could hear them laughing. He looked at the meals on the stove and decided to just head upstairs with it. He carried three plates with utensils and cups and opened Shikadai's bedroom door. The boys didn't even look up from their controllers or the television hung on the wall. Shikadai was in his father's lap and trying to sabotage the blonde by pulling his fingers off the controller, Naruto, however, wasn't having it as he moved the controller out of his son's reach.

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