Forty Eight

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I was paged to the scans room, and when I walk in, I see Derek with Lexie and his sister, Amelia. I remember her from the last time she visited.

Savannah: Derek, you paged me? Oh, hi, Amelia.

Derek: I need another opinion, aka my best resident. Please tell my delusional sister that we can't operate on this.

I look at the scans and my eyes grow wide.

Amy: you haven't even looked.

Derek: Amy, I am telling you, it is unresectsble. Let it go.

Amy: I came all the way from LA to show you this. You could spend more than 30 seconds.

Derek: Dr. Collins, tell me what you see.

Savannah: uh, it's a gliosarcoma that has invaded the carotid artery.

Derek: you try and remove it, she will stroke out.

Amy: stop being a jackass.

Savannah: damn.

Derek looks at me and I mouth 'sorry' to him.

Derek: Dr. Grey, Dr. Collins, excuse us.

Amy: both of you, stay here. I need back up.

I lean towards Lexie.

Savannah: I can take them. Go.

Lexie sneaks out of the room.

Derek: fine. You just got out of rehab. I want you to get on your feet. But you can't help her.

Amelia places a picture of a young boy by the light.

Amy: look at his face. His name is Mason. This gliosarcoma belongs to his mother, Erica. He's a great kid. I don't know him that well, but he seems great. I do know his dad well. His name is copper, and he works with me and he is a good guy. He is a good dad, which means he is the one who is gonna have to tell Mason that his mom is dead, that he doesn't have a mom anymore because we didn't do anything.

Derek: you tell Cooper you're sorry. You tried. Let it go. I have a surgery.

I sigh as Derek walks out.

Savannah: your brother is a stubborn man.

Amy: don't I know it. Seriously, I applaud you for wanting to work with him all the time. I don't know how you put up with him.

Savannah: he's a great teacher. Look, I'll try and talk to him.

Amy: I like you.

I smile at Amy as I run out.


I'm standing by the OR board while quizzing with Jackson.

Savannah: come on, pretty boy.

Jackson: 65 year old woman enters the ER in shock. Presents with a pulsatile, expanding abdominal mass. Go.

Savannah: ruptured triple-A. I would take the patient straight to the OR and access the peritoneal cavity through a vertical midline incision.

Jackson: nice job, gorgeous.

Meredith: you guys studying for the oral boards in the middle of the day?

Savannah: just anothe benefit of having a study buddy.

Jackson: I don't mean to brag or anything, but I've got the smartest and cutest study buddy.

I giggle as Jackson throws his arm around my waist.

Savannah: not to toot my own horn or anything, but my study notes are colour coded and laminated.

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