Thirty Nine

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I'm pacing around my house getting ready for work while looking over my Chief Resident speech.

Natalie: you've gone over your speech a thousand times, momma. You've got this.

Savannah: I just want everyone to respect me.

Natalie: they already respect you, mom. Trust me, you're going to be fine. Now let's go. I want to watch your big speech before I go to school.

I kiss Natalie on the forehead then I make my way to work. I start going over my speech as I walk through the hospital. I end up running into Owen and Derek.

Savannah: hey!

Derek: hey—

Savannah: can't talk. Gotta get up there. See you in a few! Love ya, byeeeee!

I start running towards the cafeteria. I walk in, and I see all the residents and Attendings eating breakfast. I let out a deep breath.

Natalie: you've got this, mom.

Savannah: I've got this.

I let out one last breath then I walk to the front of the room.

Savannah: okay.

I start off with a smile.

Savannah: good morning, everybody. Can I have your attention, please?

Most of the Attendings look at me, and the only residents that looked at me were Jackson and April.

Savannah: hello? Hi. Can I have your attention?

Nobody responded.

Natalie: everybody shut up and pay attention to my mom!

I chuckle at Natalie as everybody draws their attention towards me.

Savannah: thank you for that, Natalie, dear. Alright, hi. Welcome to your final year of residency. This breakfast is the one time when all the fifth years and the Attendings will be in the same room, so use your time wisely. Residents, find your mentor, ask questions, get advice on your futures, and prep for the medical boards. Now, eat, talk amongst your peers, and enjoy your last year of residency.

I smile as I walk towards Natalie and Owen.

Savannah: did you like that?

Owen: I'm impressed, Collins. You're doing great already.

Natalie: you made the right choice choosing my mom, Owen.

Owen: I know. Good luck, Collins.

Owen walks off.

Natalie: your speech was great, mom.

Savannah: thanks, baby.

Natalie: I should get going. I'm already late for English. Have a good first day, mom.

Savannah: love you, sweetie.

Natalie kisses my cheek then walks off as Jackson comes up to me.

Jackson: hey, Chief Resident.

Savannah: hey. So, you like my speech?

Jackson: yeah, it was great. You're already doing great.

Savannah: thanks. Let's hope this year will be better.


I'm standing outside of the ambulance bay with the residents and some of the Attendings prepping for the major trauma coming in.

Owen: we're going to the scene of an on-site amputation. Woman's trapped under her car. You guys are gonna get swamped with bodies. Collins, you're in charge til I get back.

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