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I'm smiling at Jackson as we sit in our OB appointment.

Dr. Colby: hello, Averys. How're we doing today?

Savannah: good. Excited.

Jackson: very excited.

Dr. Colby: and I see we have a special guest. Hello, little miss Cathy.

Cathy: hi!

Savannah: she wanted to see her little sibling. She really wants the baby to come out.

Dr. Colby: I see.

Jackson: wait, I'm gonna call Nat.

Jackson grabs his phone and calls Natalie.

Natalie- hey, dad!
Me- hey, baby. You're on speaker. You've got us, Cathy and Dr. Colby.
Natalie- oh! Are we finding out the gender?
Jackson- yes, we are.

Dr. Colby: alright, are we ready?

S&J: yes.

Dr. Colby: are you ready, miss Cathy?

Cathy: yeah!

Dr. Colby: alright. Here we go.

Colby puts the gel on my belly and starts the ultrasound.

Dr. Colby: alright, everything is looking good so far. Little bean is growing on time. No obvious deficits or deformities. Cathy, look, that's your baby sibling in there.

Jackson: everything is good?

Dr. Colby: yep. Everything is going as planned. I see no future problems going forward.

Jackson: and the pain...

Savannah: Jackson, we don't have to talk about this—

Natalie- no, I'm with dad on this. We need to discuss this. Dr. Colby, you said the pain was normal with Cathy. You said it was because of the growing and stretching of her stomach, correct?

Dr. Colby: yes, it is completely normal in Savannah's case. With her previous scarring from her bullet wounds, it's normal to feel discomfort around the stomach. There is no need to worry unless the pain starts impairing you from performing surgery.

Jackson: okay. That's fine. I-I just needed to be sure.

Natalie- me too. I need my mom to be safe going forward.

Dr. Colby turns to me.

Dr. Colby: you have a good army behind you.

Savannah: oh, don't I know it.

Everyone chuckles.

Dr. Colby: alright... ready to know the gender of your baby?

S&J: yes.

Natalie- yes!

Dr. Colby: alright. Here we go.

I grab Jackson's hand and squeeze it tight.

Dr. Colby: alright. Congratulations, you two. You are having a...

I squeeze Jackson's hand tighter.

Dr. Colby: baby boy.

My heart skips a beat. My dream is coming true.

Savannah: oh my god. J... we're having a boy.

Jackson: we're having a boy.

I smile as Jackson pulls me into a kiss. We're having a baby boy, and I couldn't be happier.


Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now