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I'm in the ER with April helping out with consults.

April: incoming. 20 minutes, chest pains.

Owen: Sav and I will take it. Page cardio– anyone but Riggs.

Owen walks off.

Savannah: page Riggs.

April: he just said—

Savannah: I know.

April: you saw Owen punch Riggs.

Savannah: they need to learn to work together, April. I'm not letting some old feud, whatever the hell it's about, get in the way of patient care. If they want to keep their jobs, they have no choice but to work together. So any cardio consults that get paged to the pit, you page Riggs.

April: you know this is my one happy place right now? Please don't make it a crappy place.

Jeremy served April with divorce papers a little while ago, so April hasn't been in the best spirits lately.

Savannah: April, sweetie, I love you and I feel for you. I do. But I want you to page Riggs.

I walk off to do another consult.


I meet up with Owen in the ambulance bay for the incoming trauma.

Owen: how're you feeling?

Savannah: taking it one day at a time, Owen.

Owen: good. And everything with the baby is still good?

Savannah: yep.

Owen: good.

Just then, Riggs comes into the ambulance bay.

Nathan: chest pains, huh?

Savannah: yep.

Nathan: so, what's he doing here?

Owen: I told Kepner—

Savannah: I know what you told Kepner, but that won't fly with me. You know my rule, Owen. But you don't, Riggs. My rule is no personal drama in the workplace. And don't you dare try to piss me off. I am pregnant, and I am moody, so I will punch you if you get in the way of patient care. Understood?

Owen: yes.

Nathan: you've turned everyone here against me. The least you could do is let me frigging work.

Owen: you have no business being here at all.

Savannah: hey! What did I just say? I don't know what your problem is with each other, but you better set it aside and focus on your job. If you can't do that, I might as well fire you both right now. Now, if you don't mind, we have a patient to take care of.

I follow the ambulance that pulls in.

Paramedic: male, 55, complaining of tightness in the chest.

Savannah: sir, do you have any pain in your left arm?

Patient: no, not really. My chest hurts like hell, though.

Owen: Riggs, you can go. Avery and I have this.

Nathan: chest pains. I'll take it.

Savannah: sir, what did you eat this morning?

Patient: a burrito– two burritos.

Owen: it's probably not surgical. I'll page someone if it is. Let's go.

Nathan: how about you let me do my job?

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now