Fifty Four

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This is it. Today is the day that I fly to San Francisco. And tomorrow, I will take the boards to determine my career as a surgeon. To say I was nervous is an understatement.

I decided to page Derek so I could get a pep talk from him.

Derek: listen to me, you are going to be amazing. You can do this.

Savannah: I'll try my best not to let you down.

Derek: you won't let me down. I know you won't. You are extraordinary. I have so much faith in you.

I smile at Derek.

Savannah: you're an amazing mentor. And that's why... I'm staying in Seattle.

Derek smiles at me then he throws his arms around my waist and spins me around, causing me to giggle.

Derek: oh, thank you God. I really can't lose my star student.

I pull away from Derek and smile from him.

Derek: okay, go get on your bus and make me proud.

Savannah: I'll make you proud, Derek.

I run off to the ambulance bay and meet everyone.

Natalie: there you are!

Owen: Collins.

I run over to Owen.

Owen: listen, you're going to be great. You're a trauma surgeon. You're a soldier. I have so much faith in you.

Savannah: I'm a god damn soldier.

Owen: good luck.

Natalie and I walk over to Jackson and Mark.

Mark: have salmon for dinner. And tell room service to make sure it's not frozen. You lose omega-3s if it's frozen. Avery, are you listening to me?

Jackson: I'm trying not to.

I chuckle at my boyfriend as I link arms with him.

Mark: same goes for you, young lady. Alright, how are you on cash? I figured you needed some.

Jackson: uh...

Jackson takes the cash from Mark.

Savannah: half of that is mine, Avery.

Jackson: of course, princess.

Mark: here, kid.

Mark hands me a wad of cash.

Savannah: okay, you're officially my favourite person ever.

I take the wad and stuff it in my bag as Natalie pulls me aside.

Natalie: you gonna be okay?

Savannah: I think so. I'm just really nervous.

Natalie: you've got this in the bag, mommy. You're going to pass.

Savannah: would you still love me if I wasn't a surgeon?

Natalie: mom, I'd still love you even if you became a plumber.

I smile at my daughter and pull her into a hug.

Natalie: good luck.

Savannah: I'll call you when I get to my hotel. I love you.

Natalie: I love you too. Now, go show them what us Collins girls are made of.

Natalie and I do our special handshake before I get onto the bus with Jackson. We take our seats and I lay my head on his chest.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu