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I'm laughing at Bailey as she tries to convince Meredith to take her service.

Meredith: you know, I have research to do.

Bailey: look, I am your chief, and I made you my right hand for a reason. So you cover my service for one day while I get caught up on my TrailBlazer.

Savannah: you know everybody's calling it the TailBlazer, right?

Fields: excuse me.

I look up and notice a man had approached us.

Fields: are you Chief Bailey?

Bailey: I am.

Fields: hey, how you doing this morning, Dr. Bailey? I'm agent Martin Fields. I... I need to speak with one of your surgeons.

Bailey: uh, agent Fields? I'm sorry. Are you FBI? Or...

Fields: oh, no, ma'am. I'm with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Yeah, it says here it's a surgical intern.

I notice the interns walking down the stairs.

M,S&B: which one?


While Bailey and Meredith take agent Fields to Bailey's office, I grab Bello and drag her into an empty exam room.

Bello: okay, if this is about Mr. Bartlett's ventilator, I barely bumped it, and the plug was never technically all the way out of the socket—

Savannah: it's not about that.

Bello: good, because I think it was already loose. If anything, I saved him—

Savannah: we don't have a lot of time, but I need you to pay attention, and I need you to stay calm.

Bailey quickly joins us in the room.

Bailey: okay, he's waiting in my office with Grey.

Bello: who is?

Savannah: there is an agent from Immigration and Customs here, and he wants to speak to you.

Bello: no. No, no, no, no.

Bailey: okay, Bello, what is this about? Are you undocumented?

Bello: no! I'm a Dreamer. I'm– I'm here under DACA. I have a work permit, so I'm protected.

Savannah: okay, and everything is up to date, your status?

Bello: of course! The only way I could get deported is if I break the law, but I-I don't! I... I don't speed. I don't do drugs. I don't do anything wrong.

Bailey: okay. This is good.

Savannah: okay, so they probably just want to check your papers or something.

Bello: no. I have to run. I-I-I have to hide.

Bailey: Bello, Bello, calm down.

Bello: I have a friend from high school. She– she was at work– an intern at a law firm. ICE came to her work. They said they just wanted to talk. Two days later, she was dropped off in Mexico City with a bag of clothes and a check from her family she had no way of cashing. She just... she doesn't even speak Spanish. She came here when she was 2. Dr. Bailey, how can I calm down?

I pull Bello into a hug to comfort her.

Savannah: shh, shh. We'll figure this out, Bello. I promise. It's okay, sweetie.


I'm sitting with Mer across from DeLuca and Bello.

Andrew: who even called them, okay? They can't just take you.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now