Forty Six

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walk into Meredith and Derek's house, and I see Meredith decorating a cake.

Meredith: oh, damn it. I screwed it up.

Jackson: "Gag, Zola", really?

Meredith: those aren't G's. Those are Y's for "yay". Yay, Zola.

I grab myself a cup of orange juice then sit down next to Jackson.

Jackson: see, a normal person would've just written Happy Birthday.

I nudge Jackson on his shoulder.

Jackson: hey.

Savannah: hey.

Ever since the night of my brain surgery, things have been weird between Jackson and I. We've been really flirtatious with each other lately, but we haven't talked about the kiss, and I don't think we ever will.

Meredith: well, I couldn't fit all those letters on the cake.

I decided to sit next to Zola and bounce her on my leg.

Savannah: you are just the cutest little angel in the world. Yes, you are. Yes, you are.

Jackson's POV:

I look over at Savannah who had sat down with Zola and started bouncing her on her leg. I couldn't help but admire her with Zola.

She's so amazing.

I was broken out of my trance when I hear April walk into the kitchen.


April: okay, who used up the last of my deodorant?

Random girl: oh, that might have been me. Sorry. Kinda had a workout last night.

April looks over at Jackson.

Jackson: not mine.

Then, Alex walks into the room.

Alex: coffee.

Jackson: fresh out, chief.

April: wait. No. That's impossible. I just bought some three days ago.

Random girl: you're out of OJ too.

Alex: hey, you're still here?

Random girl: oh, yeah. I was on my way out, and then I saw these cheeks. So cute.

Alex's hookup started walking over to Zola, but Meredith was quick to pick up her daughter.

Meredith: oh! We don't don't the baby because we don't know where those hands have been.

April: Alex does.

I chuckle at April and share a high five with her.

Meredith: okay, so, um, I have a meeting with Owen, so I'm off. Party is at 8. Don't be late.

Savannah: I can take Zola to daycare if you want, Mer.

Meredith: really? Oh, you're a lifesaver, Sav. Thanks. I seriously appreciate it.

Savannah: I know. I'm the best. Give me your child.

Meredith chuckles at me as she passes Zola to me then runs off.

Alex: I got 20 minutes before work. You wanna, you know?

Random girl: yeah.

Alex: good. Come on.

I chuckle as Alex leaves with his hookup.

Jackson: round two.

I chuckle and whack Jackson on the arm then place my head on his shoulder.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now