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I'm going over some paperwork in the lounge next to Amelia and Maggie, as Callie and Webber walk in.

Callie: so, I'm just wondering if maybe we should rethink the resident-rotation system. I mean, make sure that our residents get an equal opportunity on every specialty.

Webber: isn't that happening?

Callie: well, there's a danger that our residents are being monopolized by a single Attending.

Amy: she's talking about Blake.

Callie: you know what? This is not your busi—

Webber: isn't Blake with Grey?

Callie: yes, and she has been since she got here.

Savannah: that's a lie. I've had her on neuro and trauma a few times.

Callie: that's not my point. She's mostly been with Grey, and Grey is running her ragged. I think it's personal.

Savannah: has Blake issued a problem with Grey?

I get no response.

Savannah: hospital policy states that residents don't be moved around unless they are concerned about their education and they bring it up themselves. Worry less about your girlfriend and worry more about your patients, Torres.

I stand up and leave the room to go to the ER.


I walk into an office behind the nurses desk, and I see Jeremy working.

Savannah: hey, bud!

Jeremy: hey, sis. What's up?

Savannah: I feel like we haven't hung out in forever. Wanna do something tonight?

Jeremy: sorry, sis, can't do anything tonight. I'm going out to dinner with April.

Savannah: really? That's good.

Jeremy: I asked her.

Savannah: that's great, sweetie.

Jeremy: yeah. You know, I figure we're in a pretty good place, and now we can actually talk...

Savannah: that's great.

Jeremy: about divorce.

My eyes grow wide as I look at Jeremy.

Savannah: divorce?

Jeremy: yeah.

Savannah: look, I'm not choosing sides here because you and April are both my best friends, but... are you sure that this is what you want, honey?

Jeremy: yeah. This is what I want.

I nod at Jeremy.

Savannah: okay. Whatever you want, I'll support you.

I pat Jeremy on the shoulder.


I was paged to do a neuro consult on one of Mer's patients, so I'm in the imaging room with Callie, Blake, Wilson and Edwards who was on my service this week. And Amy had joined to look at the tumor.

Meredith: well?

Callie: osteosarcoma. It involves the frontal and occipital bone. It's locally very aggressive.

Savannah: it's a gorgeous tumor.

Amy: it's almost cute. Just plopped there. Hello.

Meredith: he's waited 18 months for this kidney. We finally have one, and now he has cancer?

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now