Thirty Six

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I'm standing next to Jackson as Alex does a presentation on the African kids he brought over.

Alex: this is Zola. She's 6 months old, born with Spina Bifida...

Cristina: adorable African children, shameless ego stroking– Karev is a genius.

Jackson: yeah, he's single-handedly stealing Chief Resident out from under all of us, and we're helping him do it. I mean, we can't exactly refuse to treat little sick kids without making ourselves look bad.

Savannah: we're helping him because we are doing our job as doctors to take care of the sick kids. You understand, young man?

Jackson: ... yes, ma'am.

I chuckle at Jackson then focus on Alex.

April: he is a genius. Or... (African dialect). That's what they say in Swahili.

Cristina: well, he only has a shot because I've been benched. The playing field has been leveled. You're all welcome.

Meredith: my Alzheimer's trial kicks African-orphan ass. It kicks all of your asses.

Webber: do you want to keep it down back there? I'm trying to listen to what appears to be the next Chief Resident talking.

I roll my eyes at the others.

Alex: before we go, I just want to say thank you to all of you for your participation. It, uh, truly means more than I could say.

All the Attendings start clapping for Alex, and I join in.

Jackson: slow clap. They're giving him the slow clap. Come on. I'm not giving him the slow clap. Ridiculous. Seriously, Sav?

Savannah: doing it for the kids, Jackie.


I'm with Jackson and Webber gowning up for Webber's diabetes trial research.

Webber: okay, I want to personally check the incision sites, any weight fluctuations, the patients' glucose levels. When was the last time you two cleaned these cages? A clean cage means a lower infection rate, which means FDA approval, understood?

Savannah: yes, sir.

Jackson: cages. We got it, sir.

Webber walks out of the room and we get to work.

Jackson: this is gonna be so fun.

Savannah: get to work, Jackie-kins.

Jackson chuckles as I shove him towards the cages.


Lexie had joined us in the room while Jackson and I are cleaning out cages, and Jackson was ranting.

Jackson: I mean, you'd think being on the Chief's research project would help in the race for Chief Resident. You might even think it'd make me a contender. Only I'm not saving little kids or people with Alzheimer's. I'm cleaning up mouse poop.

Savannah: if you don't stop complaining like a little bitch baby, I'm gonna shove mouse poop down your throat.

Lexie: can you hand me that basin?

Jackson: wanna hear my conversation with the Chief every morning? "Avery, how are the mice?" "Oh, they're fine, Chief. They're running on their wheels. They're eating their cheese.". If I worked at a pet store, I'd be employee of the month by now. But I'm a surgeon, babysitting a bunch of mice.

I keep cleaning while Jackson leans over towards Lexie.

Lexie: until you get FDA approval, okay, which, I'm sure you're gonna be working on humans any day now. Now grab me another plum.

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