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I'm sitting on Jackson's lap going over a patient chart while Jackson's arms were wrapped around my waist.

Savannah: that was a nice dinner last night with mom and Richard, right?

Jackson: yeah, and I have surgery with them today.

Mom: a pelvicexenteratron that spares the uterus, to be exact.

I was startled when I hear mom's voice come around the corner.

Webber: and the patient's waiting for us.

Jackson: okay.

I get up so that Jackson could stand up.

Savannah: see you guys later?

Jackson: mhmm.

Mom steps forward and kisses my forehead.

Mom: see you later, darling.

Jackson cups my face in his hands and kisses my forhead.

Jackson: I want you on your best behaviour, okay? Drink some water and eat, please. You barely ate breakfast this morning.

Kayla: relax, Avery. I've got her.

Savannah: I don't need a babysitter, Kayla. I'm fine. I can take care of myself.

Kayla: I'm not a babysitter, I'm your friend. I've loved you like you are my child since the merger. Come on, kiddo, you've got consults. Here's an apple, a granola bar, and some tea.

Savannah: you're too good to me.

Kayla: I know. Now, off you go.

I chuckle as Kayla nudges me to my first consult.


I'm walking around the ER, and I take in all the patients that are coughing and sneezing. I see Owen approaching me, with an IV in his arm.

Owen: Sav, you need to get out. At least for today. You're pregnant, and I can't have you catching the flu.

Savannah: oh, like you?

Owen: no.

Savannah: Owen, I hope you can tell by my body language and tone of voice that I'm not happy with you. No. Actually, I'm not happy with you and a certain somebody else. Honesty is my number one policy, Hunt. You know this. You need to be honest.

Owen: about my feelings for Teddy or...?

Savannah: anything. And literally everything. I know part of your heart will always belong with Teddy, but do you truly want to be with her? Do you want to be with Amelia? What the hell do you want, Hunt? You need to give me an answer by the time I get back from watching my husband's surgery with my mother and stepfather in-law.


I'm standing in the gallery watching as the surgeons prep for the surgery.

Maggie: nice crowd.

Savannah: this is a big surgery, Maggie. It's going to attract some attention.

Maggie: is she symptomatic?

Savannah: yeah, and pissed. Apparently, my mother didn't want Meredith telling me, Natalie, Jackson and Richard.

Maggie: that's a mess.

Just then, I see Kayla run into the gallery.

Kayla: Dr. Avery, you're needed in OR 3. Dr. Hunt, he... well, it's a little hard to explain. Just hurry.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now