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I was sleeping peacefully when I get woken up by my phone ringing. I groan as I answer the call.

Me- what the hell do you want?
Meredith- Sav, it's me. Do you want a giant tumor?
Me- Mer, I love you, but it's 3:30 in the morning. My children don't let me sleep often, so I would like to enjoy the very limited sleep I get.
Meredith- I just thought you would want it. I mean, you were on that case with Derek. It's here in the house if you want it. See you later. Bye.

I let out a groan as I end the call. I start getting up, but Jackson pulls me back into his side.

Jackson: nooo. Don't leave me.

Savannah: my shift starts in an hour, so I have to shower.

Jackson: you can be late. I need cuddles.

I chuckle at my sleepy husband as he nuzzles into the back of my neck.

Savannah: fine. I'll cuddle for a little bit, then I have to shower.

I lay back down next to Jackson.


I walk into a trauma room and see DeLuca with a patient.

Savannah: who do we have, DeLuca?

Andrew: this is Holly Harner. Complaining of generalized chest and abdominal pain after a fall. She's also got a pretty obvious forearm fracture. Just waiting for her x-rays to come up.

Savannah: hi, Holly. I'm Dr. Avery-Collins, but you can call me Savannah if you want. Can you tell me how you fell?

Holly: so, I was having the best sex of my life. No, third best.

Savannah: sex injuries are my third favourite thing.

Holly: no, no. So, then I had to pee. And it was dark, and I'm trying to find the bathroom. I found the front door instead, walked right out in the stairwell and...

Savannah: oh, boy.

Holly: yeah, two flights. He slept right through it. His neighbor found me. Ah, ah!

Savannah: does that hurt?

Holly: yeah.

Andrew: and the guy you were with?

Holly: well, it was one of those one night things. So he'll just think I ducked out in the middle of the night. Which is fine. It's good, actually. Oh my god.

Savannah: what is it?

Holly: my pants– they're on his floor. He's gonna have to figure that one out.

Andrew: oh, I'm sorry, Holly, but it looks like you've broken your arm in two places.

Holly: oh, come on.

Savannah: yeah. And there's free fluid in the left upper quadrant. We're gonna need to get her up for a pan scan and page general.

Andrew: okay.

Holly looks at me as DeLuca leaves the room.

Holly: is he single?

That made the two of us laugh.


Once I had Holly in the scanner, I join Meredith and Maggie.

Savannah: are Holly's scans up yet?

Meredith: uh, not yet. Are you getting the tumor tonight?

Savannah: mhmm. I wanna hang it up in my bedroom. It was a cool ass tumor.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now