Eighty Two

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I throw on my jacket then I place Cathy in her stroller.

Savannah: babe, hurry up. I promised April I would save her and Matthew from her sisters.

Jackson: I'm coming!

Jackson comes out of the bathroom and grabs his things.

Jackson: look at my little princess. You get more beautiful every day.

I smile as Jackson kisses our daughter.

Savannah: remember me? Your fiancé, the one who gave you that beautiful little princess.

Jackson chuckles at me as he pulls me into a kiss.

Jackson: you look gorgeous as usual, my love.

Savannah: I know. Now, come on. I'm afraid April will try to murder her sisters.

Jackson and I walk out of the apartment.

Jackson: thank God you don't have any sisters that I need to save you from.

We drive to the cafe where April is having breakfast with her sisters. When we get there, we meet up with Jeremy.

Jeremy: I don't get why I have to come with you guys.

Savannah: she needs all the backup she can get. If I had sisters as irritating as April's, or so she says, then I'd need support too.

When we get to the cafe, I spot April with her sisters and Matthew.

Savannah: hello!

April: hi!

Savannah: hi, Matthew.

Matthew: hey, Savannah. Hi, Avery.

Jackson: hey, Matthew.

April stands up and pulls me into a hug.

April: well, hello, princess Cathy. You look so pretty just like your mommy.

Savannah: say hi, auntie April.

April giggled as she smiled at my baby.

April: Savvy, Jackson... Jeremy, these are my sisters Libby, Kimmie and Alice. Girls, this is my best friend Savannah, her fiancé Jackson, and my friend Jeremy.

I smile politely while April's sisters give me a tight lipped smile.

Libby: so, you're Savannah. The one that's taken our places for maid of honor. Nice to meet you.

I give the girls a tight lipped smile.

Savannah: girls, I grew up in Boston. You can't intimidate me, no matter how hard you try. I pack a really good punch. April, we should go, sweets. Hunt texted me, we're being called in.

Alice: oh, wait. You'll be done in time for mani-pedis, right? And Savannah, surely you'll join us.

April: I will try. Can you take them back to my apartment?

Matthew: roger that.

Alice: oh, no way. We wanna go with you.

Libby: You won't even know we're there.

Alice: we can see the room for the shower tomorrow, plan decorations.

Kimmie: whoo! Field trip. Come on, Duckie.

Jeremy I walk over to Jackson by the counter.

Savannah: how is April related to them? She's nothing like them.

Matthew joins us.

Matthew: thanks for getting us out of there, you guys.

Savannah: no problem.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now