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Callie came into my office and started begging me to testify in the custody trial.

Savannah: Callie, for the millionth time, I said no!

Callie: why not? I thought we were friends!

Savannah: we are! But I'm not going to sit and watch you and Arizona fight over your little girl!

Callie: I can't believe you! You know, Mark never should've chosen you as her godmother. He would be disappointed in you for how you're treating me. You are totally disregarding my feelings and you don't care if I lose my daughter—

I scoff at Callie.

Savannah: I get that you're pissed, Torres, but you have absolutely no right insulting me. And don't you dare speak for Mark. You don't get to. Mark would be proud of me for standing by his daughter like he knew I would. And he would be more disappointed in your behaviour and Arizona's. He would prioritize Sofia's feelings over you and Arizona's because that's what a good parent does.

Callie: I'm fighting for my daughter! Mark would want this for Sofia—

Savannah: that's a load of crap! Sofia deserves both of her mothers. What happened to the Callie Torres that would do anything to make her daughter happy?

Callie: I can't believe I bothered asking. You are so unreasonable!

Savannah: oh, yeah, because protecting my goddaughter is being so unreasonable!

I roll my eyes as Callie storms out of the room. I take a couple deep breaths as I gather my things. As I walk out, I bump into Arizona.

Arizona: Savannah—

Savannah: Arizona, I already said no. I'm not testifying for you.

Arizona: I know. As much as I would like for you to testify for me, you've made it clear that you can't, and I accept that. You are protecting Sofia, and I appreciate you for that. I know it seems like I'm doing this for me, but I can't lose my daughter. And I don't want my daughter to lose the life she has here– the life that she loves. I was just wanting to ask you if you would come to the courthouse. But if you don't want to, that's okay.

Arizona starts to walk away.

Savannah: Robbins.

Arizona turns around to look at me.

Savannah: I'll be there. And...

I let out a deep breath.

Savannah: I'll think about testifying for you.


I'm sitting in the courthouse as the trial starts.

Judge: we're here today to determine a custody modification of a minor between two divorced parents, Arizona Robbins and Calliope Torres. The trial's witness pool is unusual in that it'll be shared by both parents. The parties have stipulated to call each witness once, at which time, each side will have a chance to examine that witness. If you're testifying, remember– this is not a popularity contest. You are not choosing sides. We're all on the same side– the side of a 6 year old child. Dr. Torres, Dr. Robbins, custody hearings are, without exception, very difficult on all parties involved, your daughter included. Things said here will undoubtedly be harsh and cannot be unsaid. I ask this of parents before I begin any custody hearing. Are you both sure you want to proceed?

Arizona: yes, your honor. I'm sure.

Judge: Dr. Torres.

Callie: I'm sure, your honor.

Judge: then this court is now in session to determine sole physical custody of Sofia Robbin Sloan Torres.

Owen was the first person to take the stand.

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