Thirty Two

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I'm on Teddy's service today with Jackson and Lexie, so I walk into a patient's room with them.

Teddy: Ricky– big day.

Ricky: bring it on.

Teddy: is this your sister?

Ricky: this is my girlfriend– Julia.

Teddy: you're kidding. He's been talking about you for months.

Julia: I figured, if there was ever a day to take off work, it's when your boyfriend's getting new lungs.

Teddy: smart. She waited for the real fun. Alright, let's do this.

Jackson: well, your new lungs should leave Portland in about two hours. You haven't taken any of your cystic fibrosis meds since last night, right?

Ricky: no food, no water, no drugs.

Lexie: great. So we'll just do one last workup, and then we'll get you to the OR.

Teddy: oh, and, uh, Julia, write down your number, please, and give it to Dr. Grey.

Julia: why?

Teddy: well, so we can call you when Ricky's in surgery if we have any news.


I'm in Ricky's room doing the workup with Jackson.

Savannah: did they come by with the forms?

Ricky: I think I signed 200 of them.

Jackson: that sounds about right. You just– you gave us your firstborn.

I could hear Julia behind me coughing, causing me to turn around and look at her in mild concern.

Jackson: you need a drink of water, Julia?

Julia: just asthma. Sorry.

Ricky: nothing brings people together like respiratory disorders.

Savannah: oh, yeah. So romantic.

I see Julia's purse hit the floor.

Savannah: oh, let me get that for you, Julia.

As I pick up her purse, I notice some familiar medication sticking out.

Savannah: Dornase.

Ricky: it's mine.

Savannah: it has Julia's name on it.

Jackson: Ricky, why is she on Dornase?

Julia: I'm gonna go.

Savannah: wait, Julia, do you– do you have cystic fibrosis?

Ricky: go.

Savannah: hey, nobody's going anywhere.

Jackson: do you know how dangerous cystic fibrosis patients are to each other?

Ricky: we know.

Savannah: your disease isn't contagious to anybody in the general population. It's not like you can't date. You just can't date each other.

Jackson: you can infect each other with bacteria there's no way you can fight.

Ricky: we know!

Ricky coughs and Julia runs to his side.

Ricky: you know how many times we've heard the warnings? Never get closer than 3 feet from another CF patient.

Savannah: it's a drag, I know. We get it.

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