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Jackson and I are walking to the daycare to drop off Shawn, and we run into Owen with Leo.

Owen: hey. Say hi to Shawn.

Savannah: you remember Leo, right, bubba?

Owen: where's Cathy?

Jackson: school. Took us a little while to get into the car because little miss Cathy didn't like the outfit I picked out for her and threw a big fit. But after about 30 minutes, we managed to get things moving.

Savannah: it doesn't help that you don't say no to her. Or Shawn. And you never did it with Natalie. Or me for that matter.

Jackson: says you. You can't say no to them either.

Savannah: can you blame me? Look how cute our kids are. How can you say no to their cute faces?

Jackson: ... that's true.

I hear my phone starts to buzz, and Jackson grabs my phone for me.

Jackson: you have a trauma coming in, gorgeous. Here, I'll take Shawn and get him checked in.

Savannah: thank you. I love you.

I kiss my husband then kiss Shawn on the cheek.

Savannah: I've got this one, Hunt. You can take the next one.

I run as fast as I could while being six months pregnant with twins.


Snapping on some gloves, I run out to the ambulance bay.

Savannah: okay. Dispatch mentioned there was a shooting downtown?

Parker: gunfire at a parade. People just started running. Not quite sure what we're getting.

Savannah: the first sunny day in weeks, and families are dodging bullets.

I run up to the ambulance.

Savannah: what do we got?

As I open the doors, a Scottish man in a kilt jumps out.

Seamus: we were right in the middle of performing on 24th, and– and my son– he was shot. He was bleeding everywhere.

Paramedic: Colin Anderson, 15. Bullet went through his hand and into his chest. Sats 87 on 4 liters of oxygen.

Colin: what's happening? Dad?

Seamus: yeah, you're alright, sonny.

Savannah: okay, clear trauma 1. Let's go!


Alex came into the room as we exam Colin.

Alex: where do you need me?

Savannah: GSW to the right chest and left hand. I put in a chest tube, but he lost his airway before we could hook it up.

Seamus: so, how is he doing?

Savannah: sir, what's your name?

Seamus. Seamus.

Savannah: we're gonna figure that out, Seamus, okay?

Colin's father sees the blood coming out of the tube.

Seamus: oh, God. W-what is happening?

Alex: 200 cc in the pleurovac.

Savannah: we're gonna have to do a scan, get a better idea of your son's injuries. Seamus, I'm sorry, but it's best if you step outside.

Seamus: that's my boy. I'm not leaving.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now