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Jackson was pulled into an emergency surgery, so I had to take the kids to daycare.

Savannah: Cathy! Are you almost ready to go, babygirl? We have to be ready in the next ten minutes.

Cathy: mommy, where's daddy?

Savannah: daddy was pulled into emergency surgery, so you just have me right now. Come on, little missy. Let's get going.

I get my daughter's things and we make our way to the hospital.


I'm doing my rounds on patients, and I hear my phone ding. I grab my phone and I see that there was a charge for a boat on my joint account with Jackson.

Savannah: what the hell?

I notice April with Arizona and April who were on their phones swiping through tinder.

Savannah: I'm going to kill my husband.

April: why?

Savannah: he bought a new flashy car and I couldn't yell at him for it because he got called into a surgery. And now, I got a charge on our joint account for a boat. Kelly, can you page Dr. Avery for me?

Kelly: sorry, Dr. Avery. Your husband left a little while ago. He went home sick, and Dr. Karev and Hunt just called in sick too.

I let out a sigh.

Savannah: of course. Welp, sounds like someone is sleeping on the couch for a week.

April chuckles at me.

Arizona: young. Too young. Woah. Way too young. Ugh! I hate being single. I hate it even more than sharing a bathroom.

April: what?

Arizona: I broke up with Carina. By accident. I-I just– I needed some space. Like, physically, in my home, because Sofia's coming home. But apparently, she thinks that I broke up with her, so now here I am, swiping, instead of having sex with an Italian orgasm scientist.

Savannah: oh my god, Sofia's coming home? That's amazing!

April: that's a pretty bad accident.

Arizona: well, I shouldn't even be dating because I should be getting ready for Sofia to come home.

April: I am so ready to be dating– anyone who does not work at this hospital.

Just then, Maggie joins the group.

Maggie: hey. Are you guys Tindering?

Savannah: they are.

Maggie: I set up a profile, but I'm too afraid to actually swipe.

April: uh, it's pretty straight forward– left for no, right for yes.

Maggie: yes for what? Yes, I'll sleep with you?

Arizona: well, it's not a binding contract.

I chuckle at the girls.

Bailey: what are you all doing, standing around, leaning against things? This is a hospital.

April: it's a slow day.

I decided to snag Maggie's phone and swipe.

Savannah: too young. Way too young. Oooh! Hello, Edris Elba. Bailey, take a look.

I show Bailey the picture.

Bailey: hello!

I manage to get Maggie a match.

Savannah: you're welcome.

Maggie: did you just match me? You know that's a real, live, actual person!

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now