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Jackson and I are sitting in my office, and I'm reading Meredith's article that was published.

Savannah: I love Meredith, but she's screwed us over. I talked to Bailey when I came in, and she told me that because of this article, a trauma patient refused to come into the hospital. He literally went back into the ambulance to get taken somewhere else.

Jackson: it's insane. But I have to admit, I'm impressed with Grey. She's calling out the medical community and it's a big deal.

Savannah: I know. I'm reading the list, and it's calling out the community. But everyone's focusing on the headline, and our hospital won't survive with that headline. Come on, I need to give residents their assignments.

Jackson and I make our way to the residents lounge. When we get there, I can hear everyone except Natalie talking about the article. I let out a scoff before slamming my fists onto a table, startling the residents.

Savannah: I know everyone is talking about the article Dr. Grey wrote and if you read past the headline like a smart person, you would see that it is an incredible article with amazing points. Sadly, you only read headlines. Which means this hospital will see a downfall in patients. Which means that we should give the best care to the patients we do have. DeLuca, you're running the ER today. Thanks to your girlfriend's article, it'll be empty. Don't mess it up. Rest of you, rounds on my patients. Go!

Everyone scurries out of the room.

Andrew: Meredith didn't write that article. She sent in a list of things of things they could write about without context.

Savannah: go. Go tell Bailey that because I'm sure she's freaking out. Much like me.


I'm sitting in a conference room with mom, Koracick and Bailey trying to think of a plan.

Mom: we need to generate good press.

Bailey: with this article Grey wrote, there is not enough—

Savannah: I will talk to Meredith.

Mom: baby, that's not a good idea.

Savannah: you trust me, don't you? Look, I have a plan. Please let me do my thing.

I get up and leave as I text Meredith.

Me: we need to talk.

Mer 💕: about the article?

Me: yep. DeLuca told me everything, so we need to work together and make sure my hospital doesn't burn to the ground. Meet me at our favourite place in 10.


I'm sitting with Mer at our favourite coffee shop a few blocks away from the hospital.

Meredith: I didn't write that article. They took everything out of context—

Savannah: I know, Meredith. But things are getting worse. Maggie just texted me that Bailey thinks she's having another heart attack, patients are refusing treatment and asking to go to other places, people are quitting. It's a mess, Mer. Can't you retract anything you said?

Meredith: I'm talking to the editor and doing everything I can to—

Mer gets cut off by my phone dinging.

Amore Mio 💍❤️: Koracick is filming my patient and her family for good press. Can you come back and nut punch him?

I let out a growl of frustration.

Savannah: Tom Koracick will be the death of me. Come on, you're coming with me and we are going to fix this before I nut punch Tom Koracick.


Meredith ran off to do God knows what while I meet up with Jackson.

Jackson: I have a plan, and you're gonna help me.

Savannah: as long as I get to rip Koracick a new one, I'm all in.

Jackson wraps his arm around me and takes me to his patient's room to speak to the parents.

Jackson: don't worry. We'll remain right on schedule.

Mrs. Martin: you don't want Dr. Koracick to operate?

Mr. Martin: my sister texted us an article about this hospital. Is that what this is about? Is he part of the problem?

Jackson: no, absolutely not. No. Tom Koracick is a brilliant neurosurgeon.

Mrs. Martin: then why make a change?

Savannah: 'cause I'm better.

Jackson: Dana, Peter, I know that you only agreed to let Tom film your surgery so it would be free, but I can... see now that you're both a little uncomfortable. And I can't blame you. This is a very big decision. It's your family's privacy. You shouldn't have to think about that under these conditions. So, I want you to know that no matter what happens today, no matter what you decide, your surgery's not gonna cost you a thing.

Mrs. Martin: why would you do this?

Jackson: because I have three girls and two boys of my own, and if they needed a surgery, I'd want to make sure that her doctors aren't thinking about anything except for them. Your little girl means more to me than some good press.

I smile as the Martin family agrees with Jackson.

Savannah: Tom is going to throw a gasket when he hears about this. Which is an added bonus since I will be the one dealing with him.

I smirk as I walk off to prep for surgery.


3rd Person POV:

Attendings and residents have gathered around to watch Savannah and Tom Koracick face off against each other. Natalie was recording the fight, with Jayden next to her.

Teddy: why are we watching Savannah?

Natalie: she's about to crush Koracick into the ground. She may like Tom and respect him as a surgeon, but she has run out of patience with him lately. Owen's gonna want to see this.

Jayden: Natalie told me everything and I came straight here. I've always wanted to see my sister as a leader.


Savannah: what made you think it was a good idea to bribe a family with a pro bono surgery just so you could film it?! I thought you were smarter than that! In the words of my favourite Hunt– you're a dum-dum!

Tom: you shouldn't be talking to your boss—

I slam my fists onto the table.

Savannah: oh my god, how many times do I have to tell you?! YOU ARE NOT MY BOSS! You never have been and you never will be! I am a part of the foundation. I own this hospital. I sign your paycheck. You work for me. My ruling overrides yours. You don't know how how to do your job to save a life! Do better!

Koracick stays silent for a moment before fixing his coat.

Tom: understood.

Tom walks out of the room as I update mom.


I'm sitting at home with Jackson in bed after a long day.

Savannah: you did amazing today.

Jackson: Natalie sent me the video of you yelling at Koracick. I have to admit, I found it very hot.

I chuckle as Jackson starts kissing my neck.

Hiiiii! Happy new year, my loves ❤️ sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I've been having a lot of problems emotionally, mentally, and personally so I needed to take a small break. I have been focusing on my full time job due to personal issues, but I will try my best to upload when I can.

So thankful for everyone who continues to support my books 💕 here's to more love in 2024 😊

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora