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Thanksgiving Eve

I walk into the ER and approach Mark.

Savannah: hey. You requested me?

Mark: indeed, I did. We haven't worked together yet. That starts now. I've got a man with deep burns on his leg. Tried to deep fry a turkey.

Savannah: ooh!

I sit down with Mark and help him debride the burn.

Mark: so, what are you and your daughter doing for Thanksgiving?

Savannah: nothing, really. We're just gonna order some takeout and watch a movie.

Mark: you're not a fan of holidays?

Savannah: not really. Other than Natalie, I've never had a family to celebrate holidays with.

Mark: come spend Thanksgiving with me.

I look at Mark shocked.

Savannah: what?

Mark: Lexie and I are gonna be having dinner with Torres at her place with Robbins. You guys should join us.

Savannah: I wouldn't want to intrude.

Mark: you wouldn't be intruding. I'm inviting you. Come on, what do you say?

I thought about it for a moment. I've been working with these people for some time now, and I haven't made really made friends with them yet. I think I should start now.

Savannah: you know what? Why the hell not. I'm in.

Mark smiles at me then we continue cleaning our patient's wound.

Sloan: Dr. Sloan?

I look up and notice that a young blonde girl, who looked about 18 years old, had approached us.

Mark: yeah?

I notice Mark do a double take.

Sloan: hi. Um, so, this is a little weird, but, um... my name is Sloan Reilly. And, uh, my mom's Samantha Reilly. And, um... I'm pretty sure you're my dad.

My eyes grow wide and Mark's face falls into pure shock as Lexie comes around.


I had volunteered to get the blood test for Mark. When Callie and I walk into the conference room, I see Mark and Sloan sitting across from each other.

Savannah: hi. How's it going in here?

Mark: great.

Sloan: fine.

Savannah: okay. So... have we broached the question of the paternity test? 'Cause I have the supplies.

I started taking Mark's blood while Callie did the same to Sloan.

Callie: Mark. Now might be a good place for you to say something.

Savannah: out loud.

Sloan: dude, are you, like, high or something?

Just then, Derek walked through the door.

Derek: Sloan.

Mark: yeah.

Sloan: yes?

Derek chuckles.

Derek: Mark, I need you on something. Savannah, come with us.

I stand up with Mark and walk out with the two.

Mark: I have a daughter, Derek.

Derek: yeah.

Mark: an 18 year old daughter. I am too young to have an 18 year old. It's a nail in my coffin. It's like death has come to call.

Everything Has Changed ❤️ {Jackson Avery}Where stories live. Discover now